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Research at the InnoRenew CoE

Research at the InnoRenew CoE is interdisciplinary by design and necessity. We believe the most impactful solutions we can provide through our research work must include positive impacts that intersect across different societal groups, environmental concerns, human health, and industrial efficiency. The InnoRenew CoE has 6 research groups, supported by a support group. We publish open data and publications in our Zenodo community.

Research groups

Advanced Manufacturing

Innovative, state-of-the-art production technologies by integrating the latest scientific knowledge and technical breakthroughs with bio-based industries along the whole value chain.


Building efficiently to create a safe, healthy, productive, and restorative built environment that embraces renewable materials, innovative design, and advanced building technologies.


Understanding and taking into consideration the importance of natural renewable materials, physical activity, ergonomic design and accessibility, to design environments that promote health and well-being.

Information processing

Integrating digitalisation, optimisation, and knowledge discovery in complex information processing frameworks to support all life-cycle phases of renewable materials and buildings.


Designing, developing, and testing a new generation of functional materials with enhanced properties and extended service life that support the uptake of renewable materials in a built environment.

Creativity & Society

Enhancing, exploiting, and efficiently transferring knowledge on decarbonising the building stock using renewable materials to society, including policy makers, industry, and other stakeholders.


Providing comprehensive, timely, reliable, and professional support for all the institute's activities, ensuring compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements, and ensuring the rational and economically viable use of the institute's resources.

WENUS: Wood Education for Sustainable Construction. Empowering professionals and students to build a more sustainable future through innovative and tailored training in circular wood and timber construction

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Swarmchestrate: Application-level Swarm-based Orchestration Across the Cloud-to-Edge Continuum

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WOOLSHED: A New Era for Alpine Wool

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Lifecycle extension of salvaged wooden materials through reuse in dowel-laminated timber (EcoDLT)

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Microbially Induced Mineralisation of Wood for Improved Fire Resistance (MICRO-INSERT)

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Rebuilding a Better Ukraine via the New European Bauhaus Academy (NEB Academy Hub Ukraine)

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Next Generation Smart Cities

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Use of Green tax policies for enhanced use of wood and other natural materials from renewable sources for faster climate neutrality transition

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Hamilton cycles with rotational symmetry in connected vertex-transitive graphs

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Innovative engineered wood products made from Thermo-hydro- mechanical densified wood with enhanced physical, mechanical and fire performance (WoDeFi)

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Multi-functionalization of wood with bio-based approach MULTI-WOOD

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Implementing the concept of 24-hour movement behaviours as a determinant of health into the Slovenian environment (GIB24)

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Single item identification for forest production, protection and management

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Infrared spectroscopy and atomic scale modelling for identification of valuable molecules in agricultural residuals (AGRO-SPEC)

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Toward better understanding the diffuse sound field

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Protein-based adhesive for high-performance indoor timber structures (SEAFARER)

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Digital wood

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DIAgnostics and Mechanical tests Of aged adhesive layers used in joiNts of wooDen structureS (DIAMONDS)

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An interdisciplinary approach to working with gifted pupils (integrating science, technology and the arts)

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DENDRO-SPEC: Spectroscopic Methods for Rapid Phenotyping of Trees Reflecting their Ecological Resilience

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Carbon accounting in the forest-based industry – MAXImising the mitigation potential of WOOD products in Slovenia (MAXIWOOD)

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Decentralized communities for building monitoring

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Project coordinator: Anna Sandak, InnoRenew CoE

Bioinspired living skin for architecture (ARCHI-SKIN)

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Project coordinator: Karlsruher Institut fuer Technologie

INnovative TRaining Solutions for certified wood in furniture, timber, building and foreSTry sectors (INTRuST)

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Engineered wood composites with enhanced impact sound insulation performance to improve human well being (IRIS)

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Possibilities of using natural fibers in the production of hybrid textile reinforcement for concrete

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Building a sustainable & circular economy through innovative, bio-based manufacturing lines (NewWave)

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Project coordinator: Stockholms universitet

Tree bark as a renewable source of wood protection materials for building applications (BarkBuild)

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Project coordinator: University of Göttingen, Department of Wood Biology and Wood Products

Enhanced Life-Cycle-Costing in wood construction by novel methods for service life planning (WoodLCC)

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Economic, environmental and social aspects of wood processing and its use and carbon sequestration

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Reverse supply chain of residual wood biomass

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Project coordinator: InnoRenew CoE

LOOSE CELLS – Innovating at the Crossfield of Art and Science

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Olive leaf multi-product cascade-based biorefinery: From an under-used biomass in the primary sector to tailor-made solutions for high added-value international market applications (OLEAF4VALUE)

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Optimization and fault forecasting in port logistics processes using artificial intelligence, process mining and operations research

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Green synthesis of sustainable BIO-sourced multi-functional ingredient for skin CARE applications (BIO4CARE)

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Modified lignin nanoparticles for composite and bio-based/Cu packaging applications (PACK-NIN)

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Development of multi-objective optimisation algorithms for the design of buildings

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NOvel ModificatiOn tReatments to improvE wood resistance against FIRE (NOMOREFIRE)

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PROJECT COORDINATOR: Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana

Graph Theory and Combinatorial Scientific Computing

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Reducing occupant stress through improved indoor environmental quality and the use of renewable materials indoors

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Understanding hygroscopic properties of wood through multiscale modelling (HYGRO-WOOD)

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Comparison of sound field characterization methods

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Combining indoor environmental quality with human movement science to improve school quality

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Valorisation of hemp by-products for composite applications

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Influence of doweled connection on the dynamic response of tall timber buildings

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PROJECT COORDINATOR: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava

DESIgn for all methods to cREate age-friendly housing (DESIRE)

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Autonomic edge computing for air quality monitoring

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PROJECT LEADER: Stritih, svetovanje za trajnostni razvoj, d.o.o.

Development of new practices for forest property management and strengthening of all its functions

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Enhanced Wood Properties of Low-Grade Timber Through Densification Coupled with Natural, Plant-Based Polymers

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FAçade bio-CArbon based anti UV coating to prevent DEterioration of wooden buildings (FAÇADE)

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Functionality and Environmental Suitability of the Door Closure System (FOUSIJA)

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Optimization problems of the residual biomass value chain

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Innovation activities of Austrian and Slovenian companies in the wood-value chain

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Led by Scuola superiore di studi universitari e di perfezionamento Sant'Anna

Pilots for Healthy and Active Ageing (pharaon)

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Wood chip technology for livestock heavy use areas to improve water quality

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Seismic analysis of tall timber buildings

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Design of multifunctional polysaccharide composite nanoparticles for deacidification, strength improvement and prevention of microbial attack of historical cellulose-based artifacts (DeacidCellulose)

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Selective extraction of high value molecules from forest products processing residues in the speciality chemicals sector

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Using questionnaires to measure attitudes and behaviours of buildings users

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Development of an application for harvesting timber 2.0

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Strategies for improvement of energy efficiency of residential buildings through retrofitting

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Perceptions of, competencies, capacities and possibilities for the implementation of environment- and human health-friendly living environments

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Led by BRE

CLICKdesign delivering fingertip knowledge to enable service life performance specification of wood

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Led by RISE

Dynamic Response of Tall Timber Buildings under Service Load (DynaTTB)

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Led by Institut za razvoj i međunarodne odnose

Boosting a novel and innovative tRAining approaCh of Key Enabling Technologies (BRACKET)

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Led by Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy

Underpinning the vital role of the forest-based sector in the Circular Bio-Economy (WoodCircus)

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Led by M SORA

Wood and wood products over a lifetime (WOOLF)

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Perception and performance assessment in bio-based architecture

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Synchrotron-based analysis of densified wood impregnated with curing resins

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The use of chemical wood modifications to protect wood against wood-borers in the marine environment

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Spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis for quality control of modified wood

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Optimisation for sustainable supply chains

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Led by UP IAM

Traversability of vertex-transitive graphs

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Led by ZVKDS

Protection of bronze monuments in the changing environment

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Development of novel functional proteins and bioactive ingredients from rapeseed, olive, tomato and citrus fruit side streams for applications in food, cosmetics, pet food and adhesives’ (Pro-Enrich)

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Implementation of HI-FI sound systems in wireless network – WI-FI-HI-FI

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Smart Indoor Lighting System for the Elderly – SHINE

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Development of an application for collecting waste wood – RecAPPture

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Led by Fraunhofer WKI

Materials for Energy Efficient Buildings

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Led by UP

Revitalisation of traditional industry: An open innovation framework for Slovenia’s furniture sector

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Led by UP

Ergonomic, adaptable, and active office furniture

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Led by ZAG

Innovative Connections for CLT Buildings

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Led by ZAG

Building Information Modelling

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Led by UM

Development of formaldehyde-free fibreboards

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Led by ZAG

Evaluation of fire effluents with respect to ecotoxicity

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Led by ZVKDS

Advanced materials for cultural heritage storage

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