- PROJECT TITLE: Development of new practices for forest property management and strengthening of all its functions
- PROJECT LEADER: Stritih, svetovanje za trajnostni razvoj, d.o.o. / Črtomir Tavzes, PhD (for InnoRenew CoE)
- PERIOD: 09.07.2020 – 09.07.2022
- BUDGET: €83,795.67 of which co-financed €74,997.13
- FINANCING: Project is co-financed by European Union from European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and Republic of Slovenia Rural development policy 2014-2020
- MEASURE: Cooperation from the Rural Development Program
- SUB-MEASURE 16.2: Support for pilot projects and for the development of new products, practices, processes, and technologies in the field of forestry
- PARTNERS: Stritih, svetovanje za trajnostni razvoj, d. o. o., Trg golobarskih žrtev 50, 5230 Bovec; Kmetija Volk, Suhorje 5, 6217 Vremski Britof; Višja strokovna šola Postojna, Cesta v Staro vas 2, 6230 Postojna; Kmetija Jernejevi, Slavinje 13A, 6225 Hruševje; Kmetija Žustovi, Ostrožno Brdo 45, 6225 Prem; Marko Mahne – dopolnilna dejavnost na kmetiji, Tatre 32, 6243 Obrov; Kmetija Morelj d.o.o., Buje 2c, 6217 Vremski Britof; InnoRenew CoE, Izola; Izobraževanje, Tamara Urbančič s. p., Topolc 46,6250 Ilirska Bistrica; Društvo lastnikov gozdov Vrhe-Vremščica
This project addresses forest management on small farms. Professionally defined silviculture plans (SCP) for forest management units (FMU) serve forest owners as tools and guidelines for forest management. SCPs are prepared for individual areas as implementation plans with defined measures for a specific forest or part of it. Management of private forests is inadequate despite the available professional literature. This is especially true for small forest owners who implement SCPs to a lesser extent and without considering multipurpose forest management concepts or all forest functions. There are several reasons for this situation. Certainly, the main reason is that the forest is not the main source of income for small forest owners. Another important reason is that small forest owners may not have all the appropriate knowledge or information. In most cases, small forest owners do not know the data included in the SCP, nor do they know how to find it; furthermore, they do not have the appropriate knowledge to implement the measures envisaged by the SCP.
This project will develop practices for improving the management of small forest estates, which will be combined in the documents’ forest establishment plans. These plans will be formulated at an individual farm level and in such a way that SCP objectives will be transferred from the strategic level to the implementation level. Much attention will be paid to planning measures that strengthen all forest functions. The project’s main goal is to prepare and pilot forest holding plans for the four involved farms.
InnoRenew CoE project activities
InnoRenew CoE is responsible for sustainable development and renewable materials education, forest owner communication and promotion of integration into wood processing chains. Additionally, new, innovative solutions and possibilities for the use of wood will be explored.