September 6, 2024
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia organized the Day of Innovation 2019, which included an awarding ceremony at the national level for best innovation, on 25 September 2019.
This year’s topic was “contemplate the causes of innovations”. Questions surrounding the importance and development of innovations were discussed by event speakers, including Aleksandar Tošić, assistant researcher at the InnoRenew CoE, who presented the prototype of a smart floor that enables passive and pseudonymous indoor geolocation. Kim Turk Mehes, Living Lab InnoRenew manager, and Dr Roberto Biloslavo, head of the InnoRenew CoE’s technology transfer unit, also attended.
The first part of the event was dedicated to the conference “We connect innovation – why?” where business speed dating and innovation workshops took place. In the second part, there were motivational speeches followed by the Slovenian National Innovation awards ceremony.