January 17, 2025
In the Horizon, the EU Research & Innovation Magazine, they recently published an article about the EU-funded researchers who are using biological matter to create unique new materials that can adapt to their environment and repair themselves.
Among such projects is also the Bioinspired living skin for architecture (ARCHI-SKIN), led by Dr. Anna Sandak. In 2022, Dr. Sandak and her team at InnoRenew CoE were awarded a five-year EU grant to further develop the concept of a bio-active living coating system for use in the construction industry. Thanks to this funding, they are developing a “live” biofilm able to protect various built surfaces, including concrete, plastic and metal.
You are welcome to read the whole article and find out more about the activities of ARCHI-SKIN project, and other EU funded projects that are revolutionising aerospace and construction with living materials.