February 7, 2025
Estahel Naseri, a student from Aalborg University Copenhagen (Denmark), is working closely with Dr Matthew Schwarzkopf, Dr Kelly Peeters and Marica Mikuljan at the InnoRenew CoE on research connected with the Pro-Enrich project, where her main area is modifying magnetic beads to test the removal of polyphenols from olive mill wastewater.
Estahel said she is happy to be conducting research at the InnoRenew CoE.
“I think this experience will be very valuable for my future professional development,” she added.
Dr Triinu Poltimäe from Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) recently visited the InnoRenew CoE. The Wood Modification group hosted her within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme. Dr Poltimäe is a researcher and a senior lecturer in the Laboratory of Wood Technology at Tallinn University of Technology’ Department of Materials and Environmental Technology, where she teaches the topics of wood polymer composites and woodworking technology.
During her visit, she worked on the weathering of natural materials with Dr Anna Sandak, research group leader, and Dr Jakub Sandak, researcher. She also presented her research area at the InnoRenew CoE weekly meeting.