September 6, 2024
On Wednesday, 6th June 2018, the InnoRenew CoE held a Project Partner meeting followed by the General Assembly meeting at the Pulp and Paper Institute (ICP) in Ljubljana. The participants of the meeting had the pleasure to join the organized tour of the Pulp and Paper Institute and their laboratories.
Representatives of all project partners were present at the meeting – the InnoRenew CoE, University of Primorska, Fraunhofer WKI (advanced partner), University of Maribor, The Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia, The Slovenian National Building and civil Engineering Institute, Pulp and Paper Institute, e-Oblak, the National Institute of Public Health, and the Regional Development Agency of the Ljubljana Urban Region.
The meeting was opened by welcoming words from the director of the Pulp and Paper Institute mag. Mateja Mešl. Then Dr Andreja Kutnar, the director of the InnoRenew CoE, provided a general overview of all activities in the project work packages.
The meeting was closely focused on the progress of Work Package 5 – InnoRenew CoE RDI activities and Work Package 6 – Start-up Projects. Dr Anna Sandak presented Task 5.1 from Work Package 5 and activities concerning the utilization of the components of wood and bio-based materials. The progress of the business support activities that are largely oriented towards supporting enhanced RDI utilisation in Slovenia’s forest-based sector and beyond were presented by Dr Michael Burnard. Dr Miklós Krész discussed the ICT activities that are focused on product and process improvement through data collection and analysis. The last task of this work package was presented by Dr Iztok Šušteršič, and it concerns sustainable buildings and activities concerned with macro construction, structure monitoring, energy efficiency, and the quality of living within buildings. These activities focus on promoting REED principles in the sustainable built environment.
The progress of the work package 6 and the start-up projects was presented by representatives of the leading partners in each of start-up projects. All project started their work and we discussed their development, challenges and possible problems they met since now.
The project partner meeting was followed by the General Assembly meeting where the new director of the project partner zavod e-Oblak was presented. Since 3rd May 2018 the zavod e-Oblak is led by Mr. Tone Stanovnik. After that we discussed the upcoming deliverable – implementation report. The report will address the policy-relevant key aspects of the project, future actions, and plans of the consortium in relation to the implementation of the project. Moreover, we discussed the periodic technical report which will be prepared by the project partner University of Primorska and the review from European Commission which will be held on September 10-12, 2018 in Koper.
We are pleased to see the development of the InnoRenew project and its research is progressing in the right direction.