February 12, 2025
Dr. Anna Sandak, Dr. Jakub Sandak, Dr. Rene Herrera Diaz, and Faksawat Poohphajai, InnoRenew CoE researchers, conducted the final visit of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE), in the framework of the bilateral project Spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis for quality control of modified wood (MULTI-SPEC).
The MULTI-SPEC project objective is to develop chemometric models allowing fast and non-destructive comparison of wood modification extent.
The visit of the InnoRenew CoE researchers at UNIMORE was focused on revision and discussion of research progress during the last years. The evaluation of a novel image processing algorithm for quality grading of modified wood was reviewed. Moreover, alternative algorithms for the classification of materials, preprocessing, and analysis of the results were tested. Besides of analysis of hyperspectral images, NIR spectra measured with portable spectrophotometers (e.g., MicroNIR) were preprocessed and evaluated.
During the visit researchers discussed potential follow-up collaboration. Both institutions are involved in the preparation of the project proposal and if successful the project will allow continued collaboration related to the application of various spectral techniques and advanced data mining in several new application domains.