September 6, 2024
On 30 May 2022, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the Implementation Document of measures for the Development of the Wood Industry 2030, prepared by InnoRenew CoE in cooperation with Deloitte d.o.o. and the Biotechnical Faculty at the University of Ljubljana.
The document defines the operationalization of the Slovenian Industrial Strategy 2021-2030, which was adopted last year and defines measures to achieve the set objectives.
A wide range of stakeholders have been involved in drafting the implementation document, and 82 have been invited to participate. Three focus groups were organized, involving 27 key stakeholders (representatives of major wood processing companies, local authorities and various ministries led by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology). In addition, key stakeholders responded to an online questionnaire.
The analysis and review of past and planned actions and the concrete proposals provided by the representatives of the Gozd-les working group also constituted an important source of information for the proposal’s formulation.
The key measures can be divided into seven groups:
– creating a favorable business environment for timber processing companies,
– supporting investment in increasing wood processing capacity,
– supporting the acquisition of sufficient quantities of forests and wood for wood-processing enterprises,
– supporting the acquisition of adequate human resources for the development of wood-processing enterprises,
– promoting research, development and innovation in the timber sector and developing a supportive environment, including networking with relevant stakeholders,
– promoting the use of wood in both the public and private sectors and increasing the promotion of wood, and
– promoting the introduction of new business models and digitalization to improve the business excellence of wood processing enterprises.