September 18, 2024
László Hajdu and Dr Miklós Krész, InnoRenew researchers, together with Dr László Kovács from Eötvös Loránd University and Dr András Bóta from Luleå University of Technology, published an article, “Networks in the mind – What communities reveal about the structure of the lexicon”, in Open Linguistics.
Looking at language as a literal network brings new perspectives. The mental lexicon, one mind’s buffer of words and their relations, was explored in this paper, which had a focus on different kinds of associative connections. There can be different kinds of connections between words and word communities, e.g., semantic, phonetic, syntactic and grammatical. Connections between the same two nodes of the network (i.e., words or word communities) can be observed. The study analyzed the Hungarian language using a word association database.
Open Linguistics is an open access, peer-reviewed journal covering all areas of linguistics.