September 6, 2024
New infrastructure has enriched our capability to conduct high-quality research at the InnoRenew CoE. We have acquired laboratory equipment and testing machines that will further our ability to contribute to science and the economy.
Our current research topics are diverse and include wood modification, human health in the built environment, cultural heritage protection, the bioeconomy, graph theory, wood-based value chains, e-learning platforms and more. With the research work and services that we offer to our partners, we are building a bridge between research and industry. New labs and infrastructure expand the possibilities, and today we can offer a wide range of laboratory and other services to bolster competitiveness and strengthen performance in diverse areas.
The InnoRenew CoE has specialty equipment for industry utilization and research projects with quality testing and research available in our six labs.
InnoRenew CoE labs
In the characterisation lab, a unique set of equipment allows our team and visitors to learn more about materials and how their composition and performance changes over time or in response to treatments or exposure. Our microscopy tools allow us to gather scientifically and industrially relevant information about wood treatment processes, performance and measurement of surface characteristics at the micron level. The physical testing lab allows the InnoRenew CoE to test mechanical properties of renewable materials and bio-based composites to determine performance in various uses, conditions and structural applications. In the human health in the built environment lab, we have a variety of equipment to analyze how materials and built environments impact human psychological and physiological well-being and assess cognitive and physical performance in different environments. One of the InnoRenew CoE’s research areas is dedicated to renewable materials composites; therefore, we have a lab with specialty devices to create composites from biomaterials that add value, extend the lifecycle and improve performance in a wide range of consumer products. In our woodworking lab, we can prepare samples and for product development, testing and analysis.
Highlights of equipment purchased in 2019
Mechanical testing of materials
Zwick/Roell Z100 universal testing machine
Unlike other universal testing machines, our Zwick/Roell Z100 can assess how bio-based products perform in various environmental conditions. For example, flooring materials perform very differently in a home located in Oslo compared to one located in Athens.
Chemical analysis
Agilent 6500 LC/MS Q-TOF system
All of the biochemical and organic compounds in a sample aren’t always known; therefore, this liquid chromatograph/mass spectrometer with quadrupole time of flight can be used to identify unknown compounds.
Bio-based material modification
Nabertherm RSRC 120-1000/13 tube furnace
The Nabertherm RSRC 120-1000/13 high-temperature tube furnace is a unique addition to InnoRenew CoE as we can use it to develop thermochemically modified and carbonized bio-based materials. These developed materials can then be used for high-value, high-performance applications such as composites, energy storage systems, electronics and sensors.
Material evaluation
Spectroscopy investigates the interaction of infrared radiation with matter, something that we cannot detect with our eyes (i.e., light that is “redder than red”). With the different spectroscopic configurations available in our lab, we can accurately, quickly and non-destructively evaluate the composition of materials and, by means of chemometry, extract desired chemical information.
Human health assessment
InnoRenew CoE’s psychophysiology assessment kit allows us to observe how people react to and interact with their environment. We can combine this with stimuli that cause stress or cognitive assessment and observe how the environment affects coping and performance, which gives us great insight into how we should design buildings to support occupant well-being.
Invitation to collaborate
The InnoRenew CoE is open to new collaborations, and we look forward to the creative and important research we can perform with our new equipment. Innovative products and solutions for many challenges we are facing as a society can be developed in our labs, and we are glad to contribute our part for a better tomorrow.
Researchers, industry members or other interested individuals are encouraged to contact the InnoRenew CoE for collaboration and utilization of our equipment and to discuss the possibilities for partnership. Detailed descriptions of InnoRenew CoE’s laboratory equipment can be found on our website.
Infrastructure and laboratory equipment were acquired with European funds from the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme and the European Regional Development Fund as well as co-financing from the Republic of Slovenia’s Ministry of Education, Science and Sport.