September 12, 2024
In the framework of the Retrace project, the Republic of Slovenia’s Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, together with partners, recently organized the “Systemic Design for Circular Policy-making” conference .
Dr Iztok Purič, Minister for Development, Strategic Projects and Cohesion, gave an opening talk where he pointed out the need for a well-thought-out approach to policy-making in the transition to a circular economy.
The InnoRenew CoE’s work was presented as an example of good practices, as the institute’s research contributes in a positive way to the transition of society towards the circular economy. More information can be found in the publication, which gathered together several examples of good practices, including the InnoRenew CoE and its Living Lab.
“I am happy that we were presented as a good example, together with other companies, which contribute significantly to the transition of our society toward a circular economy,” said Kim Turk Mehes, Living Lab InnoRenew manager.
This conference marked the closing stage of the project, which is funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the Interreg Europe Programme. The conference presentations showed how to design effective policies that will promote the transition to a circular economy.