September 6, 2024
InnovaWood is an umbrella organisation that integrates four European networks, in the fields of forestry, wood-based industries and furniture, into a more effective mechanism to support innovation. It has more than 50 members from 26 countries.
The InnoRenew CoE has been a proud member of Innovawood since April 2017. This year, Dr Michael Burnard, the InnoRenew CoE deputy director and research group leader for Human Health in the Built Environment, and Kim Turk Mehes, Living Lab InnoRenew manager and policy consultant, attended the InnovaWood General Assembly 2019.
The event was organized in Hamburg, Germany, at the Thünen Institute for Wood Research. InnovaWood members had the opportunity to learn about InnovaWood’s joint initiatives and actions and contribute their ideas. On the first day of the two-day conference, they learned about innovative wood science and technology. The second day was dedicated to learning about EU funding opportunities and preparing partnerships for new consortiums. In addition, they visited the Wood ID Laboratory at the Thünen Institute.
The event ended with a networking event where members had the chance to meet, discuss and further strengthen their bonds.