September 6, 2024
COST Action CA16226 – Indoor living space improvement: Smart Habitat for the Elderly (Sheld-on) recently organized Management Committee and Working Group meetings in Porto, Portugal. Dr Michael Burnard, the InnoRenew CoE deputy director and research group leader for Human Health in the Built Environment and vice chair of the Action, along with Dr Anna Sandak, research group leader for Wood Modification at the InnoRenew CoE, joined the meetings.
Sheld-on is a science and technology network of relevant actors from academic, research and industry sectors. It is addressing the issues of the ageing population in Europe by promoting healthy and safe ageing.
In Porto, members of the Action discussed developments of all four working groups: Furniture and Habitat Industries, ICT developments, Healthcare and Solutions for ageing well at home in the community and at work. In addition, they provided new solutions and guidelines for their future work through a series of workshops.