December 6, 2024
October, 2017
In October InnoRenew CoE employees were very active and busy travelling around Europe and beyond, attending different conferences and meetings in order to expend our knowledge and to promote our centre of excellence.
Barbara Rovere, an assistant researcher and project manager at InnoRenew CoE, went to the European Forestry House in Brussels where she met with Dr Uwe Kies, Secretary-General of InnovaWood. They had a great working session on developing the next steps in our common work on the topic of hardwoods. Moreover, she attended the COST Connect workshop on Cultural Heritage in the Digital Era. It was an open space for identifying and discussing how we could best contribute to structuring this field of cooperation that has shown high potential to create societal impact in Europe.
Mike Burnard, assistant researcher at InnoRenew, went to Bulgaria to the working group meeting for COST Action 16114 RESTORE where he participated in the discussion of regenerative definitions and strategies for architectural practitioners.
The director of InnoRenew CoE, Dr Andreja Kutnar attended the International Conference on Wood Adhesives which took place in Atlanta, Georgia USA. At the conference they were discussing important topics in the wood industry – strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in bonded wood products industry. Andreja meet with industry leaders to discuss future collaborations with InnoRenew CoE.
InnoRenew CoE researcher, Dr Kelly Peeters, spent a few weeks in Norway completing a Short-Term Scientific Mission with the COST Action FP1407. She visited the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research. She was collaborating with Dr Erik Larnøy, and she was focused on the development of a wood modification process based on a Maillard type of reaction.
Dr Jakub Sandak travelled to Germany and to Poland to foster collaborations between InnoRenew CoE and industry and to discuss opportunities for future collaboration with our research centre of excellence.
We were also busy attending events in Slovenia!