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Underrated Innovativeness of Micro-Enterprises Compared to Small to Medium Enterprises in the Slovenian Forest-Wood Sector

Ana Slavec
micro-enterprises innovation activities forest-wood sector innovation surveys

Although micro-enterprises represent most of the enterprises across different sectors, they are excluded from official statistics on innovation activities. What we know about micro-enterprises is based on smaller quantitative and qualitative studies that are country- and sector-specific. To...

Innovation activities of Slovenian companies in the forest-based value chain, 2019

Ana Slavec, Michael Burnard

Slovenia was identified as a region lagging in innovation and this is particularly noticeable in the country’s forest-based value chain. However, Slovenia’s Smart Specialisation Strategy identified this industry as having a strong potential for growth. To leverage the innovation and growth...

Perception and evaluation of (modified) wood by older adults from Slovenia and Norway (Datasets, R analysis code, and supplementary tables)

Dean Lipovac, Sølvi Wie, Anders Q. Nyrud, Michael D. Burnard
material preference wood modification elderly handrails

This entry contains datasets, R analysis code, and supplementary tables for the article Perception and evaluation of (modified) wood by older adults from Slovenia and Norway. The article investigates human perception and evaluation of handrails made of different materials. Our goal was to...

Robust facility location in reverse logistics

Péter Egri, Balázs Dávid, Tamás Kis, Miklós Krész
Annals of Operations Research
Facility location Robust optimization Economies of scale Reverse logistics for wood recycling

As environmental awareness is becoming increasingly important, alternatives are needed for the traditional forward product flows of supply chains. The field of reverse logistics covers activities that aim to recover resources from their final destination, and acts as the foundation of the...

Valorization of Hemp Stalk Waste Through Thermochemical Conversion for Energy and Electrical Applications

Laetitia Marrot, Kevin Candelier, Jérémy Valette, Charline Lanvin, Barbara Horvat, Lea Legan, David B. DeVallance
Hemp Pyrolysis Carbonization Thermal conversion Higher heating value Energy Biochar Electrical conductivity

The presented research aimed at fnding new ways to value hemp by-products (stalks) from the cannabidiol industry through thermochemical conversion. Chemical and elemental composition of hemp biomass was investigated by successive chemical extractions and Scanning Electron Microscopy along with...

Glucosinolates and Isothiocyantes in Processed Rapeseed Determined by HPLC-DAD-qTOF

Ana Miklavčič Višnjevec, Angelica Tamayo Tenorio, Anne Christine Steenkjær Hastrup, Natanya Majbritt Louie Hansen, Kelly Peeters, Matthew Schwarzkopf
glucosinolates isothiocyanates HPLC-MS/MS rapeseed processing protein powder

Glucosinolates are well known as natural antimicrobials and anticarcinogenic agents. However, these compounds can lose their properties and transform into antinutrients, depending on processing conditions. In addition, the bitterness of some glucosinolate in rapeseed meal can affect the...

Predstavitev raziskave Odnos do cepljenja proti SARS-CoV-2, 2020

Ana Slavec
COVID-19 cepljenje spletne ankete ravnanje s podatki

Predstavitev na spletnem seminarju Arhiva družboslovnih podtkov. Družboslovne raziskave o vidikih pandemije Covid-19 v Sloveniji

The Valorisation of Olive Mill Wastewater from Slovenian Istria by Fe3O4 Particles to Recover Polyphenolic Compounds for the Chemical Specialties Sector

Kelly Peeters, Ana Miklavčič Višnjevec, Esakkiammal Sudha Esakkimuthu, Matthew Schwarzkopf, Črtomir Tavzes
polyphenolic compounds olive mill wastewater extraction techniques Fe3O4 particles magnetic collection adsorption and desorption quantitative and qualitative analysis

Olive oil production using three-phase decanter systems creates olive oil and two by-products: olive mill wastewater (OMWW) and pomace. These by-products contain the highest share of polyphenolic compounds that are known to be associated with beneficial effects on human health. Therefore, they...

Sampling for web surveys

Ana Slavec
survey sampling web surveys COVID-19

Web surveys are a popular mode to collect data in several social science disciplines as they are less expensive compared to traditional postal, face-to-face and telephone surveys. However, applying desired sampling procedures in web surveys can be very challenging and they are often based on...

Comparing the environmental impacts of wooden buildings in Spain, Slovenia, and Germany

Alberto Quintana-Gallardo, Erwin M. Schau, Eva Prelovšek Niemelä, Michael D. Burnard
Journal of Cleaner Production
Regenerative sustainability Wood frame construction Energy simulation Life cycle assessment

The environmental impacts of a wooden single-family model house were compared in different locations in Europe using Life Cycle Assessment. The chosen locations were Munich, Ljubljana, Portorož, Madrid, and Valencia. The main purpose was to analyze the existing barriers for designing a...

Affective, physiological, and attention restoration at a wooden desk: A pilot study (Datasets and R analysis code)

Dean Lipovac, Jure Žitnik, Mike Burnard
restorative environments indoor nature human stress cognitive performance wood

This entry contains datasets and R processing and analysis code for the article Affective, physiological, and attention restoration at a wooden desk: A pilot study. The analysis primarily investigates how people respond to the Mental Arithmetic Task (MAT) in terms of their affective states...

This CESSDA® Roadshow on the Circular Economy brings together experts from service providers and top-level researchers to explore the key role of the social sciences with impartial, reliable data on attitudes and practices to recycling and eco-design. It will guide participants through valuable...

Discrete Optimisation and Modular Construction Design

Dávid Balázs

The design of buildings is a complex multi-stage process, where the initial plans of the structural frame are first transformed into a preliminary design, which is then specified further by detailing. In many cases, these designs are created by choosing structural elements from an existing pool...

Life Cycle Assessment Benchmark for Wooden Buildings in Europe

Erwin M. Schau, Eva Prelovšek Niemelä, Aarne Johannes Niemelä, Tatiana Abaurre Alencar Gavric, Iztok Šušteršič

Climate change and other environmental problems from the production of raw materials, construction, and end of life of buildings are serious concerns that need to be solved urgently. Life cycle assessment (LCA) and the EU-recommended Environmental Footprint (EF) are well-known and accepted tools...

Odprti podatki: od seminarja do anketne raziskave o cepljenju proti Covid-19

Luka Petravić, Ana Slavec
open data open science COVID-19 vaccination

Dr. Ana Slavec in Luka Petravić sta med soavtorji prve slovenske raziskave o odnosu do cepljenja proti SARS-CoV-1 (Petravić et al. 2020), ki je nastala v okviru seminarja Medicinske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru. Predstavila bosta potek zbiranja podatkov ter njihovo analizo in pripravo...

Decentralized Data Management Privacy-Aware Framework for Positive Energy Districts

Sidra Aslam, Viktor Bukovszki, Michael Mrissa
positive energy districts access control security energy transition decentralized framework blockchain privacy

Energy Transition (ET) needs actors to perform independent actions on multiple levels of governance. These actors may need to write and read their data, and at the same time they want to protect their data from unauthorized access. This is particularly the case for positive energy districts...

HPLC-DAD-qTOF Compositional Analysis of the Phenolic Compounds Present in Crude Tomato Protein Extracts Derived from Food Processing

Ana Miklavčič Višnjevec, Paul W. Baker, Kelly Peeters, Matthew Schwarzkopf, Dominik Krienke, Adam Charlton
phenolic compounds HPLC-DAD-qTOF Solanum lycopersicum L. protein extracts agricultural residues

The conversion of raw fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes into processed food products creates side streams of residues that can place a burden on the environment. However, these processed residues are still rich in bioactive compounds and in an effort to valorize these materials in tomato...

While large research collaborations can dedicate vast resources to the storage, analysis and sharing of data, the majority of scientists are working in small teams and have only limited funds to dedicate to data management, in particular this is true for doctoral students and other early career...

Use of mobile applications for visits of cultural heritage monuments, 2020

Ana Slavec, Vesna Starman, Nežka Sajinčič

In the outdoor environment, cultural heritage monuments are exposed to several natural and anthropogenic factors that cause their deterioration. Increasing urbanization and mass tourism exacerbate the situation; however, tourism is also an important tool for enhancing and preserving cultural...

Attitudes towards SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, 2020: Probability panel

Luka Petravić, Rok Arh, Tina Gabrovec, Lucija Jazbec, Nika Rupčić, Nina Starešinič, Lea Zorman, Matjaž Zwitter, Ana Slavec

In December 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine was first approved in the Western world. However the effectiveness of national vaccination plans depends on the willingness of the population to get vaccinated. Previous research on vaccine hesitancy has shown various factors that influence the decision...

Survey design

Ana Slavec
social science methodology survey sampling questionnaire design enterprise surveys

This was an invited lecture for the course Selected Topics of Innovation Management at the University of Graz.

Location-Aware Resource Discovery and QoR-Driven Resource Selection for Hybrid Web Environments

Lara Kallab, Richard Chbeir, Michael Mrissa
hybrid Web environments location-aware resource discovery QoR-based selection i-compositions

In the Web of Things (WoT) context, an increasing number of stationary and mobile objects provide functions as RESTful services, also called resources, that can be combined with other existing Web resources, to create value-added processes. However, nowadays resource discovery and selection are...

Density functional theory study of lignin, carboxymethylcellulose and unsustainable binders with graphene for electrodes in lithium-ion batteries

Veerapandian Ponnuchamy, Esakkiammal Sudha Esakkimuthu
Applied Surface Science
Binders Graphene Lignin Carboxymethylcellulose Density functional theory

Electrodes are the fundamental components in lithium-ion batteries to develop high-performance device systems. The fabrication process of electrodes involves a mixing of active materials, a nonconductive polymeric binder material, and an electrically conductive additive. Binders play a critical...

Feasibility of portable NIR spectrometer for quality assurance in glue-laminated timber production

Jakub Sandak, Peter Niemz, Andreas Hänsel, Juana Mai, Anna Sandak
Construction and Building Materials
Near infrared spectroscopy Glue-laminated timber Glulam Delamination Quality assurance

The feasibility of a portable NIR sensor for off-line determination of diverse wood quality aspects relevant in the production of glue-laminated timber was demonstrated. The best performance was noticed for assessing wood moisture content, with a lower capacity to estimate wood density and...

Evaluating the role of community detection in improving influence maximization heuristics

László Hajdu, Miklós Krész, András Bóta
Social Network Analysis and Mining
Network science Community detection Influence maximization

Both community detection and influence maximization are well-researched fields of network science. Here, we investigate how several popular community detection algorithms can be used as part of a heuristic approach to influence maximization. The heuristic is based on the community value, a...

Laminar flow cabinets (LFCs) ensure a safe working space within which product manipulation can be carried out safely excluding contaminations of the product with the environmental microorganisms. However, for environmental monitoring applications mobile laboratories are required and these prefer...

Even though contamination of painted artwork by xerophilic moulds frequently causes aesthetical, physical and/or biochemical biodeterioration, mould growth on paints, prepared from assorted traditional artists’ pigments, has yet to be systematically evaluated especially with regard to low...


László Hajdu, Miklós Krész
infection processes influence maximization greedy algorithm network optimisation network immunization

A new problem called influence monitoring is defined and studied for the Generalized Independent Cascade Problem. It is shown that the objective function of the problem is submodular by which the greedy algorithm can ensure an approximate ratio. The efficient implementation of the greedy method...

Mechanical performance of timber connections made of thick flexible polyurethane adhesives

Jaka Gašper Pečnik, Igor Gavrić, Vaclav Sebera, Meta Kržan, Arkadiusz Kwiecien, Boguslaw Zajac, Boris Azinović
Engineering Structures
Flexible adhesive Timber connection Double lap-shear Polyurethane Energy dissipation Cyclic Loading

This study investigates timber connections with flexible polyurethane adhesives, which prove to have the potential for timber-adhesive composite structures without mechanical connections for seismic regions. Results of conducted cyclic double lap-shear adhesive timber joints tests were compared...


Balázs Dávid, Olivér Ősz, Máté Hegyháti
scheduling waste-wood processing reverse wood value chain

An important phase in most waste wood value chains is the processing of bulk waste from various sources, usually by means of shredding. This paper presents a method for scheduling the machines in such a waste wood processing facility, where incoming deliveries of different types of wood are...

Improving the representativeness of non-probability samples: A case study of two web surveys

Ana Slavec
web surveys sampling representativness COVID-19 protective measures COVID-19 vaccination

Web surveys, even for purposes of scientific data collection, are commonly based on non-probability samples as this saves costs and other resources. Unlike probability sampling procedures, non-probability sampling does not enable the generalisation of results from sample to the population. Since...


Esakkiammal Sudha Esakkimuthu, David DeVallance, Mika H. Sipponen
lignin polylactic acid oxypropylation composites

The present work proposes modification reactions such as oxypropylation of lignin hydroxyl groups to boost the hydrophobicity of the lignin polymer. Modified lignin/PLA composite with different weight percentage compositions were produced through a mixing and injection molding process. The...

A fertőzés-monitorozási probléma

Hajdu László, Krész Miklós
fertőzésmaximalizálás mohó algoritmus hálózati optimalizálás

A hálózatokon történő fertőzésterjedés vizsgálata az epidemiológiai alkalmazásokon túl fontos szerepet játszik számos területen (pl. a szociológiában ill. az üzleti életben a vélemények terjedése vagy a csőd előrejelzése). A kérdéskört, mint diszkrét optimalizálási...

Közösségalapú redukciós módszerek fertőzésmaximalizálási problémára

Hajdu László, Vass Máté, Krész Miklós, Bóta András
fertőzésmaximalizálás közösségkeresés irányított hub perkoláció

A közösségkeresés, azaz a sűrű részgráfok hálózatokból történő kinyerése, valamint gráfokon értelmezett fertőzési modellek napjaink erősen kutatott területeinek számítanak. A valós entitásokat ábrázoló hálózatokkal kapcsolatban megfigyelhető, hogy a csúcsok...

Rétegelt lemezek gyártásának ütemezése

Garab József, Ősz Olivér, Dávid Balázs, Hegyháti Máté
rétegelt lemez faipar ütemezés

A rétegelt lemez egy széles körben használt elsődleges faipari termék. Többek között alkalmazzák építőipari és bútoripari alapanyagnak, de a sportszergyártás során is felhasználják. Előállítása egy komplex folyamat eredménye, melynek során a beérkező különböző...

Conference abstract for Polymer Meeting 14.

An Exploratory Study of Consumers' Knowledge and Attitudes about Lignin-Based Sunscreens and Bio-Based Skincare Products

Nežka Sajinčič, Oihana Gordobil, Amy Simmons, Anna Sandak
attitude bio-based ingredients environmental concern green cosmetics health consciousness human factors knowledge lignin sunscreen preference skincare

Daily consumption of synthetic sunscreens is harmful to the environment and consumers’ health, so greener alternatives need to be produced. Lignin is a multifunctional and widely available biopolymer that can replace several ingredients, but its dark color and low sun protection limit its...

Correction: Alao et al. Impact of Alkali and Silane Treatment on Hemp/PLA Composites' Performance: From Micro to Macro Scale. Polymers 2021, 13, 851

Percy Festus Alao, Laetitia Marrot, Michael David Burnard, Gregor Lavrič, Mart Saarna, Jaan Kers
hemp fibers polylactic acid biocomposite materials mechanical properties surface treatments

This study investigated the effect of hemp fiber pretreatments (water and sodium hydroxide) combined with silane treatment, first on the fiber properties (microscale) and then on polylactide (PLA) composite properties (macroscale). At the microscale, Fourier transform infrared, thermogravimetric...

Raw data: Validity of fitness trackers when worn by older adults

Kastelic Kaja
Steps physical activity sedentary behaviour sleep calories burned

Co-authors of the dataset: Marina Dobnik 2 , Stefan Loefler 3,4,6 , Christian Hofer 4 and Nejc Šarabon 2,5 1   University of Primorska, Andrej Marušič Institute, Muzejski trg 2, 6000 Koper, Slovenia; 2   University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences,...

In-network convolution in grid-shaped wired sensor networks

Niki Hrovatin, Aleksandar Tošić, Jernej Vičič
In-network convolution ds3 simulation wired sensor network

Data about the simulation of the in-network convolution in grid-shaped wired sensor networks.  We designed the simulation to examine the communication overhead of the technique applied on a wired sensor network at two different topologies. Data include measurements of traveling time of packets...

Helichrysum italicum ssp. italicum Infusion Promotes Fat Oxidation in Hepatocytes and Stimulates Energy Expenditure and Fat Oxidation after Acute Ingestion in Humans: A Pilot Study

Saša Kenig, Katja Kramberger, Ana Petelin, Dunja Bandelj, Alenka Baruca Arbeiter, Ana Miklavčič Višnjevec, Kelly Peeters, Nina Mohorko, Karin Šik Novak, Zala Jenko Pražnikar
Helichrysum italicum infusion polyphenols energy expenditure fat oxidation blood pressure pilot study

Helichrysum italicum is an aromatic plant with promising pharmacological activities. Bioactive compounds found in plants represent an important alternative treatment for weight loss and an infusion of H. italicum contains compounds which could have such effect. Our aim was, therefore, to...


Rok Prislan, Daniel Svenšek
geometrical acoustics acoustic modeling diffraction semiclassical methods

Ray-tracing semiclassical (RTS) geometrical method relies on the construction of the Green’s function of the amplitude equation by employing the semiclassical propagator. The method is classified as a phased geometrical method capable of modeling interference effects. Nevertheless, due to...

Extraction and identification of polyphenols from spruce bark using HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS

Esakkiammal Sudha Esakkimuthu, Ana Miklavčič Višnjevec, Petra Jenuš, Aleksander Učakar, Črtomir Tavzes, David DeVallance, Andreja Kutnar, Kelly Peeters

Conference abstract for XXX International Conference on Polyphenols.

Comparison of different extraction techniques to determine the phenolic compound concentration in olive mill waste water

Kelly Peeters, Ana Miklavčič Višnjevec, Essakiammal Sudha Esakkimuthu, Črtomir Tavzes, Matthew John Schwarzkopf

Conference abstract for XXX International Conference on Polyphenols.

Use of Smartphone Cameras and Other Applications While Traveling to Sustain Outdoor Cultural Heritage

Ana Slavec, Nežka Sajinčič, Vesna Starman
cultural heritage conservation citizen science smart tourism focus groups travel photography visitor applications location-based games Pokémon Go Geocaching

Outdoor cultural heritage is exposed to several detrimental factors, so involving people in its care can greatly help in its preservation. We conducted four focus groups with participants recruited through a screening questionnaire to find ways of including travelers in a citizen science project...

Raziskava o uporabi mobilnih aplikacij na izletih in potovanjih ter zanimanje za oglede spomenikov kulturne dediščine

Ana Slavec, Vesna Starman, Nežka Sajinčič
kulturna dediščina pametni turizem mobilne aplikacije

Raziskava o uporabi mobilnih aplikacij na izletih in potovanjih ter o zanimanju za oglede spomenikov kulturne dediščine je nastala v okviru projekta Zaščita bronastih spomenikov v spremenljivem okolju, ki ga vodi Zavod za varstvo kulturne dediščine in financira Javna agencija za...

Influence of soil in oak root system on its response to bending

Václav Sebera, Jan Tippner, Vinko Paulic, Luděk Praus, Barbora Vojáčková, Martin Brabec, Jaromír Milch
root system tree mechanics pulling test digital image correlation ultrasonic air stream method

Tree root system belongs to a key factor of the tree stability because it provides the anchorage point to the ground/soil, beside its physiological purpose. Therefore, to assess the tree stability with a certainty, it is needed to have information about tree root-plate, ie. to know roots health...

Electric guitar neck from densified poplar? Experimental and numerical analysis

Václav Sebera, Marica Mikuljan, J. Aarne Niemelä, Rok Prislan, Michael Mrissa, Andreja Kutnar, Jaka G. Pečnik
densified poplar orthotropic material model finite element analysis electric guitar acoustics

Electric guitar necks (EGNs) and parts are usually made of hardwoods (i.e., maple, ash, etc.), including protected exotic species coming from overseas (mahogany, etc.), due to their aesthetics, high stiffness and density. Additionally, EGNs typically include a truss rod – a metal bar...

Changes in the winter oilseed rape microbiome affected by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris and biocontrol potential of the indigenous Bacillus and Pseudomonas isolates

Aleksandra Jelušić, Tatjana Popović, Ivica Dimkić, Petar Mitrović, Kelly Peeters, Ana Miklavčič Višnjevec, Črtomir Tavzes, SlaviŠa Stanković, Tanja Berić
Biological Control
Bacillus velezensis Bacillus megaterium Pseudomonas orientalis Lipopeptides Volatile organic compounds Metabarcoding

Plant pathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) was recently described as a pathogen of winter oilseed rape in Serbia. A metabarcoding approach was used to study bacterial community composition changes in the phyllosphere and rhizosphere of different winter oilseed rape...

Experimental investigations of innovative seismic-resistant CLT connections

Boris Azinović, Meta Kržan, Andreja Pondelak, Jaka Gašper Pečnik, Vaclav Sebera, Igor Gavrić, Iztok Šušteršič
cross-laminated timber (CLT) connections cyclic tests polyurethane flexible adhesive isolation

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Mutable and Privacy-aware Decentralized Ledger for Data Management in Wood Supply Chain Environments

Sidra Aslam, Michael Mrissa
distributed ledger wood supply chain privacy security

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Creep Behaviour of Densified Wood

Lei Han, Andreja Kutnar, Nick Sandberg
heat-treatment resin impregnation Scots pine

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Bioinspired Living Coating System in Service: Evaluation of the Wood Protected with Biofinish during One-Year Natural Weathering

Faksawat Poohphajai, Jakub Sandak, Michael Sailer, Lauri Rautkari, Tiina Belt, Anna Sandak
natural weathering bio-based coating service life performance aesthetics living fungal cells bioinspired materials design

The service life performance of timber products exposed to natural weathering is a critical factor limiting the broad use of wood as an external building element. The goal of this study was to investigate the in-service characterization of an innovative biofinish coating system. It is a novel...

Growth of xerophilic fungi on model paint samples on glass and wooden supports under low humidity conditions

Janez Kosel, Jakub Sandak, Anna Sandak, Lea Legan, Klara Retko, Maša Kavčič, Črtomir Tavzes, Miklos Krész, Polonca Ropret
Aspergillus Penicillium xerophilic fungi pigments

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

BIM-based simulation of fire and smoke spread in timber buildings

Richard Acquah, Eva Prelovšek Niemelä, Jakub Sandak
wood fire and smoke simulation Building Information Modelling computational fluid dynamics Pyrosim Revit

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Social mechanisms to engage visitors in cultural heritage monuments preservation

Ana Slavec, Vesna Starman, Nežka Sajinčič, Gertrud Fabian, Laszlo Hajdu, Miklos Kresz, Anna Sandak, Jakub Sandak, Črtomir Tavzes
cultural heritage focus groups gamification ICT tourism

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Education for Sustainable Future

Vesna Starman
sustainable development learning and teaching methods innovating and soft skills

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Extraction of phenolic compounds to determine its concentration in olive mill wastewater

Kelly Peeters, Ana Miklavčič Višnjevec, Esakkiammal S. Essakimuthu, Črtomir Tavzes, Matthew J. Schwarzkopf
extraction techniques HPLC-DAD-ESI-QTOF olive mill wastewater phenolic compounds

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Strengthening of flax textile-reinforced cement-based composite materials by the addition of pozzolans

Filip Majstorović
textile-reinforced concrete pozzolans natural fibres light-weight structures cement-based composites

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

User needs and perspectives on technologies or healthy ageing

Mateja Erce, Rok Ovsenik, Dean Lipovac, Michael Burnard
older adults building solutions technology acceptance well-being independence

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Electric guitar neck from densified poplar? Experimental and numerical analysis

Václav Sebera, Marica Mikuljan, Michael Mrissa, Andreja Kutnar, Rok Prislan, Jaka Gaspar Pečnik
densified poplar orthotropic material model finite element analysis electric guitar acoustics

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Three-pillar paradigm of sustainability and its communication in the wood industry: IKEA Group case study

Lea Primožič, Andreja Kutnar
sustainability communication wood sector online communication

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Metrics for LCA and carbon footprint of bio-based materials and products: New indicators and normalisation factors for EN15804 and bio-based materials

Erwin M. Schau
densified poplar orthotropic material model finite element analysis electric guitar acoustics

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Development of the school furniture suitability questionnaire (SFS-Q)

Nastja Podrekar Loredan, Sølvi Therese Strømmen Wie, Kaja Kastelic, Michael Burnard
ergonomics chair classroom desk students subjective assessment

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Hybrid timber-steel shear wall system for multi-storey modular construction

Igor Gavrić, Iztok Šušteršić, David Močnik, Boris Azinović
hybrid timber-steel shear wall hybrid structural system multi-storey modular construction lateral load resisting system seismic resistance

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Collecting Wood Waste Generated During Construction of InnoRenew CoE Building in Izola

Urban Kavka, Richard Acquah, Andreja Kutnar, Eva Prelovšek Niemala, Erwin M. Schau
wood waste recycling of wood construction waste classification of wood waste

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Assessing spinal posture while back supported sitting: A review of techniques used

Kaja Kastelic, Nastja Podrekar Loredan, Nejc Šarabon
ergonomics chair spinal alignment comfort lumbar posture musculoskeletal health

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Developing electrically conductive materials through thermal conversions of hemp stalk wastes

Laetitia Marrot, Kevin Candelier, Jérémy Valette, Charline Lanvin, Barbara Horvat, Lea Legan, David B. DeVallance
hemp pyrolysis carbonization thermal conversion biochar electrical conductivity

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Optimization of polyphenols extraction from spruce bark

Esakkiammal Sudha Esakkimuthu, Kelly Peeters, Ana Miklavčič Višnjevec, Črtomir Tavzes, David DeVallance, Andreja Kutnar
bark polyphenols extraction HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS/MS

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2021.

Social mechanisms to engage visitors in cultural heritage monuments preservation

Ana Slavec, Vesna Starman, Nežka Sajinčič, Gertrud Fabian, Laszlo Hajdu, Miklos Kresz, Anna Sandak, Jakub Sandak, Črtomir Tavzes
cultural heritage focus groups gamification ICT tourism

In the outdoor environment, cultural heritage monuments are exposed to several natural and anthropogenic factors that cause their deterioration. Increasing urbanization and mass tourism exacerbate the situation; however, tourism is also an important tool for enhancing and preserving cultural...

Networks in the mind – what communities reveal about the structure of the lexicon

László Kovács, András Bóta, László Hajdu, Miklós Krész
Open Linguistics
networks mental lexicon associations multilayered network Hungarian communities

The mental lexicon stores words and information about words. The lexicon is seen by many researchers as a network, where lexical units are nodes and the different links between the units are connections. Based on the analysis of a word association network, in this article we show that different...

Hybrid Approach for Wood Modification: Characterization and Evaluation of Weathering Resistance of Coatings on Acetylated Wood

Anna Sandak, Edit Földvári-Nagy, Faksawat Poohphajai, Rene Herrera Diaz, Oihana Gordobil, Nežka Sajinčič, Veerapandian Ponnuchamy, Jakub Sandak
wood modification natural weathering acetylation coatings service life performance aesthetic

Wood, as a biological material, is sensitive to environmental conditions and microorganisms; therefore, wood products require protective measures to extend their service life in outdoor applications. Several modification processes are available for the improvement of wood properties, including...

Attitudes towards SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination, 2020: Convenience Sample

Luka Petravić, Rok Arh, Tina Gabrovec, Lucija Jazbec, Nika Rupčić, Nina Starešinič, Lea Zorman, Matjaž Zwitter, Ana Slavec

In December 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine was first approved in the Western world. However, the effectiveness of national vaccination plans depends on the willingness of the population to get vaccinated. Previous research on vaccine hesitancy has shown various factors that influence the decision...

Selected previous findings on the factors influencing the gluing quality of solid wood products in timber construction and possible developments: A review

Andreas Hänsel, Jakub Sandak, Anna Sandak, Juana Mai, Peter Niemz
Wood Material Science & Engineering
glued laminated timber quality control adhesives and gluing

Various factors affect the bonding quality of elements used for timber construction. This review includes literature studies and personal experiences related to relevant technological variables defining glue bond performance in glue-laminated timber elements during their service life. The gluing...

Robust Scheduling of Waste Wood Processing Plants with Uncertain Delivery Sources and Quality

Balázs Dávid, Olivér Ősz, Máté Hegyháti
reverse wood value chain scheduling waste-wood processing

While the study of reverse wood value chains has become an important topic recently, optimization-focused studies usually consider network-level problems and decisions, and do not address the individual processes in the network. In the case of waste wood, one such important process is the...

Research Data Management (RDM)

Ana Slavec
research data management data management plan

Webinar organised by Mende University intended to introduce data management and data management plans, how to work properly with data collections, analysis and reporting. Includes results of responses to open questions on Slido.

Extending BIM for Air Quality Monitoring

M. Mrissa, J. Vcelak, L. Hajdu, B. David, M. Kresz, J. Sandak, A. Sandak, R. Kanduti, M. Varkonji Sajn, A. Jutraz, K. Malovrh Rebec
Building information model Internet of Things environmental quality monitoring healthy living

As we spend more than 90% of our time inside buildings, indoor environmental quality is a major concern for healthy living. Recent studies show that almost 80% of people in European countries and the United States suffer from SBS (Sick Building Syndrome), which affects physical health,...


Boris Azinović, Andreja Pondelak, Jaka Gašper Pečnik, Vaclav Sebera
CLT connections flexible adhesive polyurethane energy dissipation pull-off lap-shear

This paper explores the possibility of using flexible polymer adhesives to dissipate energy in CLT buildings during earthquakes. In the first series of tests, pull-off tests of various polyurethane (PUR) adhesives were performed. The connection was tested in pull-pull configuration using...

Use of Benford's law on academic publishing networks

Aleksandar Tošić, Jernej Vičič
Journal of Informetrics
Benford's law Citation network Bibliography

Benford's law, also known as the first-digit law, has been widely used to test for anomalies in various data ranging from accounting fraud detection, stock prices, and house prices to electricity bills, population numbers, and death rates. Scientific collaboration graphs have been studied...

Revealing of Supercritical Water Gasification Process of Lignin by Reactive Force Field Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Veerapandian Ponnuchamy, Jakub Sandak, Anna Sandak
gasification super-critical water lignin reactive force field molecular dynamics simulations

Gasification with supercritical water is an efficient process that can be used for the valorization of biomass. Lignin is the second most abundant biopolymer in biomass and its conversion is fundamental for future energy and value-added chemicals. In this paper, the supercritical water...

Properties of Frost-Retted Hemp Fibers for the Reinforcement of Composites

Laetitia Marrot, Percy Festus Alao, Valdek Mikli, Jaan Kers
Journal of Natural Fibers
Hemp frost-retting nordic country tisza variety PLA composite polylactic acid composite

Frost-retted hemp fibers were investigated to assess their suitability for composite applications. Chemical analysis of frost-retted hemp fibers highlighted a high amount of solubles (pectins) at the fibers surface and a low lignin content in the fibers that was attributed to an unfavorable...

Report on the Survey on Innovation Activities in the Wood-Based Value Chain

Ana Slavec, Michael D. Burnard
innovation wood-value chain enterprise size

Slovenia was identified as a region lagging in innovation, and this is particularly noticeable in the country's forest-based value chain. However, Slovenia's Smart Specialisation Strategy identified this industry as having a strong potential for growth. To leverage the innovation and...

Poročilo o izvedeni anketi Razmere hranjenja muzejskih predmetov

Ana Slavec, Maša Kavčič
anketni vprašalnik muzejski depoji dolgotrajna hramba sistemi HVAC klimatski pogoji

To poročilo je del zagonskega projekta DS 6.1 - Napredni materiali za hrambo kulturne dediščine, ki ga je v sodelovanju z Innorenew CoE, Univerzo na Primorskem, Inštitutom za celulozo in papir, Nacionalnim inštitutom za javno zdravje, Zavodom e-Oblak in Fraunhofer WKI vodil Raziskovalni...

Poročilo o raziskavi o inovacijskih dejavnostih v gozdno-lesni verigi

Ana Slavec, Michael D. Burnard
inovacije gozdno-lesna veriga velikost podjetja

Slovenija je bila ocenjena kot regija, ki zaostaja v inovacijah, kar je še posebej opazno v vrednostni verigi, ki temelji na gozdu in lesu. Vendar pa je slovenska strategija pametne specializacije gozdno-lesno verigo prepoznala kot panogo, ki ima velike razvojne zmogljivosti. Da bi izkoristili...

Report on the survey of storage conditions of museum objects in Slovenia

Ana Slavec, Maša Kavčič
survey questionnaire museum depots long-term storage HVAC systems climatic conditions

This report is part of the start-up project’s WP6.1 – Advanced Materials for Cultural Heritage Storage, led by the Research Institute of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (IPCHS) in cooperation with the University of Primorska (UP), Pulp and Paper Institute...

Secure and Privacy-Aware Blockchain Design: Requirements, Challenges and Solutions

Sidra Aslam, Aleksandar Tošić, Michael Mrissa
Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy
blockchain privacy security

During the last decade, distributed ledger solutions such as blockchain have gained significant attention due to their decentralized, immutable, and verifiable features. However, the public availability of data stored on the blockchain and its link to users may raise privacy and security issues....

Factors Affecting Attitudes towards COVID-19 Vaccination: An Online Survey in Slovenia

Luka Petravić, Rok Arh, Tina Gabrovec, Lucija Jazbec, Nika Rupčić, Nina Starešinič, Lea Zorman, Ajda Pretnar, Andrej Srakar, Matjaž Zwitter, Ana Slavec
cross-sectional studies intention public opinion trust ordinal regression COVID-19 vaccination surveys and questionnaires Europe immune system SARS-CoV-2

While the problem of vaccine hesitancy is not new, it has become more pronounced with the new COVID-19 vaccines and represents an obstacle to resolving the crisis. Even people who would usually trust vaccines and experts now prefer to wait for more information. A cross-sectional online survey...

Impact of Alkali and Silane Treatment on Hemp/PLA Composites' Performance: From Micro to Macro Scale

Percy Festus Alao, Laetitia Marrot, Michael David Burnard, Gregor Lavrič, Mart Saarna, Jaan Kers
hemp fibers polylactic acid biocomposite materials mechanical properties surface treatments

This study investigated the effect of hemp fiber pretreatments (water and sodium hydroxide) combined with silane treatment, first on the fiber properties (microscale) and then on polylactide (PLA) composite properties (macroscale). At the microscale, Fourier transform infrared, thermogravimetric...

Despite controlled relative humidity in archives and private collections, fungi are a widespread cause of biodeterioration of cinematographic films and historic photographs, which represent a significant cultural and historic loss to society. Photographic emulsions and coatings are organic and...

Characterization of Arctic Driftwood as Naturally Modified Material. Part 1: Machinability

Daniel Chuchala, Anna Sandak, Kazimierz A. Orlowski, Jakub Sandak, Olafur Eggertsson, Michal Landowski
Arctic driftwood natural modification cutting forces larch wood sawing process

Arctic driftwood has reached the coast of Iceland for centuries. This material was used by the inhabitants of the island as a building material for houses, boats, churches and pasture fences. Nowadays, the driftwood is used in the furniture industry, for the finishing of internal and external...

Impact of drying process on kraft lignin: lignin-water interaction mechanism study by 2D NIR correlation spectroscopy

Oihana Gordobil, René Herrera, Faksawat Poohphajai, Jakub Sandak, Anna Sandak
Journal of Materials Research and Technology
Hardwood kraft lignin Drying temperature DVS NIR spectroscopy 2D-COS

Kraft lignin, an industrially available by-product from the pulp and paper industry, has revealed enormous potential to be valorised into a wide range of chemicals and biomaterials in the last two decades. However, the understanding of lignin chemistry remains challenging due to its chemical...

Gateway placement and traffic load simulation in sensor networks

László Hajdu, Balázs Dávid, Miklós Krész
Pollack Periodica
wireless sensor network gateway placement sensor network simulation spreading protocols

Because of the wide variety of possible application fields and the spread of smart devices, the research of wireless sensor networks has become an increasingly important area in the last decade. During the design of these networks, several important aspects have to be considered, for example the...

Nondestructive Evaluation of Heritage Object Coatings with Four Hyperspectral Imaging Systems

Jakub Sandak, Anna Sandak, Lea Legan, Klara Retko, Maša Kavčič, Janez Kosel, Faksawat Poohphajai, Rene Herrera Diaz, Veerapandian Ponnuchamy, Nežka Sajinčič, Oihana Gordobil, Črtomir Tavzes, Polona Ropret
hyperspectral imaging cultural heritage nondestructive testing surface characterisation painted beehive panels

Advanced imaging techniques can noninvasively characterise, monitor, and evaluate how conservation treatments affect cultural heritage objects. In this specific field, hyperspectral imaging allows nondestructive characterisation of materials by identifying and characterising colouring agents,...

The effect of stem and root-plate defects on the tree response during static loading—Numerical analysis

Barbora Vojáčková, Jan Tippner, Petr Horáček, Václav Sebera, Luděk Praus, Robert Mařík, Martin Brabec
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
Pulling test Tree stability Stem strain Root-plate inclination Stem deflection Finite element method Taylor approximation

Despite continual development of the tree pulling test, there is no systematic study on the interaction of stem and root-plate stiffness in relation to tree assessment results. New methods involving numerical modelling and optical techniques provide tools for effective and deeper understanding...

A Method for Accelerated Natural Weathering of Wood Subsurface and Its Multilevel Characterization

Anna Sandak, Jakub Sandak, Marion Noël, Athanasios Dimitriou
photodegradation wood weathering SEM imaging FT-IR spectroscopy thin samples accelerated natural weathering

The function of altering weathering factors and degradation mechanisms are essential for understanding the weathering process of materials. The goal of this work was to develop a method for the acceleration of natural weathering and to investigate the molecular, microstructure and macrostructure...

Characterization of painted beehive panels: Slovenian unique folk art creativity

Klara Retko, Lea Legan, Maša Kavčič, Polonca Ropret

Painted beehive panels are representative examples of folk art specific and unique to Slovenia. Although without precedence in European ethnographic art, not much attention has been given in the past to the artists’ materials involved in the creation of these paintings. This study, which...

Cyclic response of insulated steel angle brackets used for cross‑laminated timber connections

Meta Kržan, Boris Azinović
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products
CLT connection Equivalent viscous damping Experimental shear tests Polyurethane sound-insulation Steel angle bracket.

In cross-laminated timber (CLT) buildings, in order to reduce the disturbing transmission of sound over the flanking parts, special insulation layers are used between the CLT walls and slabs, together with insulated angle-bracket connections. However, the influence of such CLT connections and...

Energy Retrofitting Opportunities Using Renewable Materials—Comparative Analysis of the Current Frameworks in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Slovenia

Darija Gajić, Slobodan Peulić, Tim Mavrič, Anna Sandak, Črtomir Tavzes, Milica Malešević, Mladen Slijepčević
legal framework developing countries existing building stock energy efficiency energy consumption timber renewable materials

Sustainable approaches for retrofitting buildings for energy efficiency are becoming necessary in a time when the building sector is the largest energy consumer. Retrofitting building stock is effective for reducing global energy consumption and decreasing resource exploitation. Less developed...

December 2020, Issue 7, InnoRenew CoE Newsletter containing a summary of the latest open access publications from InnoRenew CoE researchers.

Evaluation of the Potential of Agricultural Waste Recovery: Energy Densification as a Factor for Residual Biomass Logistics Optimization

Leonel J. R. Nunes, João C. O. Matias, Liliana M. E. F. Loureiro, Letícia C. R. Sá, Hugo F. C. Silva, Abel M. Rodrigues, Thomas P. Causer, David B. DeVallance, Daniel E. Ciolkosz
Applied Sciences
agriculture waste thermochemical conversion processes biomass energy waste recovery

The use of residual forms of biomass, resulting from processes of transformation of the agri-food and/or forest industries, presents itself as an alternative with high potential for energy recovery, given the existing availability, both from the perspective of quantities, but also from the...

Developing an Olive Biorefinery in Slovenia: Analysis of Phenolic Compounds Found in Olive Mill Pomace and Wastewater

Ana Miklavčič Višnjevec, Paul Baker, Adam Charlton, Dave Preskett, Kelly Peeters, Črtomir Tavzes, Katja Kramberger, Matthew Schwarzkopf
Olea oleuropea L. olive mill effluents pomace HPLC-DAD-qTOF phenolic compounds

The valorization of olive pomace through the extraction of phenolic compounds at an industrial scale is influenced by several factors that can have a significant impact on the feasibility of this approach. These include the types and levels of phenolic compounds that are present, the impact that...

Multi-sensor data fusion and parallel factor analysis reveals kinetics of wood weathering

Jakub Sandak, Anna Sandak, Marina Cocchi
Data fusion PARAllel FACtor analysis (PARAFAC) Multi-sensor Wood weathering Deterioration kinetic

Understanding mechanisms of materials deterioration during service life is fundamental for their confident use in the building sector. This work presents analysis of time series of data related to wood weathering acquired at three scales (molecular, microscopic, macroscopic) with different...

Wood-adhesive bond loaded in mode II: experimental and numerical analysis using elasto-plastic and fracture mechanics models

Václav Sebera, Jaka Gašper Pečnik, Boris Azinović, Jaromír Milch, Sabina Huč
adhesive bond beech wood cohesive law elasto-plastic material mode II strain energy release rate

The goal of the study was to analyze fracture properties of adhesive bond using a three-point end-notched flexure test and the compliance-based beam method. Critical strain energy release rates (GIIc) and cohesive laws were obtained for adhesive bonds made of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)...

Multiscale modelling investigation of wood modification with acetic anhydride

Veerapandian Ponnuchamy, Anna Sandak, Jakub Sandak
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Density functional theory (DFT) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were employed to investigate the interaction of cellulose and lignin with acetic anhydride for explaining the wood modification process. Cellulose was modelled with a cellobiose unit and dibenzodioxocin was used to represent...

Part of the procedure in acoustic measurements is to collect the exact location of the microphone during the measurement. In simple measurement setups that include only one microphone, the coordinates of the microphone can be acquired manually. In contrast, when many microphones are in use or...

Review: The Use of Bench-Scale Tests to Determine Toxic Organic Compounds in Fire Effluents and to Subsequently Estimate Their Impact on the Environment

Kelly Peeters, Matija Ursič, Črtomir Tavzes, Friderik Knez
Fire Technology
Bench-scale tests Ecotoxicology Fire effluents Toxicity

Generated fire effluents are toxic and responsible for the majority of fire deaths and injuries. Therefore, measures of fire safety and the assessment of toxic effects of fires on humans, which are the key factors to assess fire hazards, have been researched in the last decades. However, it is...

Women's Career Path: An Ecological Perspective

Vesna Starman, Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec
career development ecological systems theory

The purpose of our research was to identify the factors that influence women's career decisions when choosing a "non-traditional" career path. We were interested in whether looking through an ecological perspective would be more accurate in identifying the factors influencing career path...

InnoRenew CoE newsletter containing upcoming InnoRenew CoE events, including the FAÇADE Webinar Series and IRIC2021. 

Viscoelastic properties of thermo-hydro-mechanically treated beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) determined using dynamic mechanical analysis

Andreja Kutnar, Jane O'Dell, Christopher Hunt, Charles Frihart, Frederick Kamke, Matthew Schwarzkopf
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products

Thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) processing can improve the intrinsic properties of wood, produce new materials, and give desired form and function to new applications. THM treatments change the mechanical properties of wood and may change its viscoelastic properties as well. Therefore, the...

Material characterisation of a painted beehive panel by advanced spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques in combination with hyperspectral imaging

Klara Retko, Maša Kavčič, Lea Legan, Polonca Ropret, Bojana Rogelj Škafar, Yingwang Gao, John Gilchrist, Matija Strlič, Irena Kralj Cigić
Heritage Science
Painted beehive panels Cultural heritage Reflection FTIR spectroscopy Transmission FTIR spectroscopy Non-invasive raman spectroscopy GC–MS analysis Hyperspectral imaging

In this study, a painted beehive panel from the collection of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum was examined with respect to its material composition with the aim to reveal the painting technique. Due to the state of degradation due to outdoor weathering (UV irradiation, rainfall, extreme...

Hydrophobization and Photo‐Stabilization of Radiata Pinewood: The Effect of the Esterification on Thermal and Mechanical Properties

René Herrera Díaz, Oihana Gordobil, Pedro L. de Hoyos‐Martinez, Anna Sandak, Jalel Labidi
wood esterification fatty acids hydrophobicity photo‐stability mechanical properties thermal oxidation

Wood protection through chemical modification has received increasing interest over the last decades due to the environmental issues related to conventional biocides or protecting products. Consequently, a wide range of new treatments are developed in laboratories, which are later scaled up in...

Fractionation of lignin using organic solvents: A combined experimental and theoretical study

Veerapandian Ponnuchamy, Oihana Gordobil, René Herrera Diaz, Anna Sandak, Jakub Sandak
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
Hardwood kraft lignin Fractionation Chemometrics Density functional theory Hydrogen bonds Noncovalent interactions

Refining of industrial lignin to produce homogeneous fractions is essential for high-value applications. However, the understanding of key interactions between a variety of solvents with lignin polymer is still uncertain. In this work, single-step fractionation of industrial hardwood kraft...

Citizens engagement - gamification of bronze monitoring

Krész, Slavec
gamification focus groups mobile photography mobile apps image analysis cultural heritage

Presentation of focus group results and the gamification strategy that were prepared within the project Protection of bronze monuments in the changing environment.

Development of sensors for air and rain monitoring

Sandak, Včelák, Hajdu
sensors monitoring cultural heritage

Presentation of sensors for air and rain monitoring that were developed within the project Protection of bronze monuments in the changing environment.

Wood Properties Characterisation of Thermo‐Hydro Mechanical Treated Plantation and Native Tasmanian Timber Species

Michelle Balasso, Andreja Kutnar, Eva Prelovšek Niemelä, Marica Mikuljan, Gregory Nolan, Nathan Kotlarewski, Mark Hunt, Andrew Jacobs, Julianne O'Reilly‐Wapstra
Eucalyptus plantation wood modification thermo‐hydro mechanical treatments structural properties

Thermo‐hydro mechanical (THM) treatments and thermo‐treatments are used to improve the properties of wood species and enhance their uses without the application of chemicals. This work investigates and compares the effects of THM treatments on three timber species from Tasmania, Australia;...

Investigation of proteinaceous paint layers, composed of egg yolk and lead white, exposed to fire‑related effects

Lea Legan, Klara Retko, Kelly Peeters, Friderik Knez, Polonca Ropret
Scientific Reports

Fires can have a negative impact on the environment, human health, property and ultimately also on various objects of cultural heritage (CH). This paper deals with an investigation into the degradation of selected proteinaceous paint layers that were exposed to fire-related effects (i.e., fire...

Thickness Accuracy of Sash Gang Sawing

Kazimierz A. Orlowski, Jakub Sandak, Daniel Chuchala
Sawing accuracy Sash gang saw Thickness Lamellae Upper layer Quality

Thin lamellae, corresponding to the layer components of structural glued members, i.e. 2-ply or 3-ply glued parquet, can be manufactured in re-sawing operations of kiln-dried wood blocks. These must be prepared with high dimensional accuracy and adequate surface quality following specific...

Effect of the Drying Method of Pine and Beech Wood on Fracture Toughness and Shear Yield Stress

Daniel Chuchala, Jakub Sandak, Kazimierz A. Orlowski, Tomasz Muzinski, Marcin Lackowski, Tomasz Ochrymiuk
cutting process sawing process cutting power fracture toughness drying process pine wood beech wood shear yield stress

The modern wood converting processes consists of several stages and material drying belongs to the most influencing future performances of products. The procedure of drying wood is usually realized between subsequent sawing operations, affecting significantly cutting conditions and general...

Improving Mental Wellbeing in Organizations with Targeted Psychosocial Interventions

Dean Lipovac, László Hajdu, Sølvi Wie, Anders Q. Nyrud
mental wellbeing network science social contagion infection model influence maximization

Background: Mental wellbeing of employees is crucial for successful organizations. Psychosocial interventions that target highly contagious individuals (i.e., individuals that can ‘transmit’ their wellbeing to others) could efficiently improve overall wellbeing in the workplace. Objectives:...

HPLC-DAD-ESI-QTOF-MS Determination of Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity Comparison of the Hydroalcoholic and Water Extracts from Two Helichrysum italicum Species

Katja Kramberger, Darja Barlič-Maganja, Dunja Bandelj, Alenka Baruca Arbeiter, Kelly Peeters, Ana Miklavčič Višnjevec, Zala Jenko Pražnikar
H. italicum plant extracts phenolic compounds antioxidant activity HPLC-DAD-ESI-QTOF-MS

Mediterranean plant Helichrysum italicum represents a rich source of versatile bioactive compounds with potential benefits for human health. Despite extensive research on the plant’s active constituents, little attention has yet been paid to characterizing the relationship between its...

The Fundamentals of Sound Field Reproduction Using a Higher Order Ambisonics System

Rok Prislan
higher order Ambisonics sound field reproduction

Conventional sound recording methods are based on recording the sound pressure level with a microphone which is after some signal processing reproduced by loudspeakers. In spatial audio, more than one microphone and loudspeaker are required to provide the sound source location information to the...

Recovery of Bioactive Compounds from Hazelnuts and Walnuts Shells: Quantitative–Qualitative Analysis and Chromatographic Purification

René Herrera, Jarl Hemming, Annika Smeds, Oihana Gordobil, Stefan Willför, Jalel Labidi
nutshells biowaste valorization accelerated extraction chromatographic analysis fractionation phenolic compounds antioxidant capacity

Hazelnut (HS) and walnut (WS) shells, an abundant by‐product of the processing industries of these edible nuts, are traditionally considered as a low‐value waste. However, they are a source of valuable compounds with an interesting chemical profile for the chemical and pharmaceutical...

Several important acoustic quantities and parameters are measured in the acoustic environment of a reverberation chamber. In the chamber the presence of the diffuse sound field is assumed, which is difficult to justify due to the absence of well accepted diffuse sound field quantifiers. As a...

September 2020 newsletter containing information about new web page sections and the new journal, IPBE, started by the InnoREnew CoE.

Performance of 3-layer composites with densified surface layers of Nothofagus species of Southern Patagonian forests

Matthew Schwarzkopf, Michael Burnard, Guillermo Martínez Pastur, Lucas Monelos, Andreja Kutnar
beech densified hardwood mechanics wood modification

The development of innovative, high added value wood products doesn’t always start in the laboratory, but rather, in the forest. Today, Slovenian and Argentinian partners are finding new ways to produce high quality products from the forest. They have found that they are strongly compatible...

Energy Efficient Retrofitting: A comparative analysis of implemented strategies in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Slovenia

Slobodan Peulić, Tim Mavrič, Anna Sandak, Darija Gajić, Črtomir Tavzes, Mladen Slijepčević, Milica Malešević
legal framework action plans developing countries energy efficiency renewable materials

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

Optical and abrasion properties of plasma treated and UV LED printed wood samples

Gregor Lavrič, Jure Žigon, Sebastian Dahle, Igor Karlovits, Urška Kavčič
UV LED printing plasma treatment gloss abrasion resistance

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

Psychophysiological and attention restoration in a wooden office: A pilot study

Dean Lipovac, Michael D. Burnard
wood restoration cognitive performance physiological arousal affective states

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

Distributed Ledgers and Decentralized WoT Architectures

Michael Mrissa, Aleksandar Tošić, Jernej Vičič, Michael Burnard
edge computing distributed ledger consensus algorithms sensor networks

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

Evaluation of Biofinish for Wood Protection

Faksawat Poohphajai, Anna Sandak, Michael Altgen, Lauri Rautkari
biofinish photodegradation micro-tensile testing vibrational spectroscopy

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Capturing Paracrystalline Cellulose Phase from Mixed Crystalline and Amorphous Cellulose Under Constant Load

Veerapandian Ponnuchamy, Jakub Sandak, Anna Sandak
molecular dynamics cellulose paracrystalline state constant load amorphous

Abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Treatment of Australian Sawlog and Pulplog Hardwood Resources

Nathan Kotlarewski, Michael Lee, Matthew Schwarzkopf, Jaka Pečnik, Marica Mikuljan
hardwood sawlog pulplog sensification

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

Testing the Thermal Properties of Loose-Fill Straw Insulation

Hana Remešová, Nathan Kotlarewski, Matthew Schwarzkopf
straw insulation loose-fill energy efficiency

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

Using discrete optimization methods in decision support for structural design

Balázs Dávid
structural design local search mathematical model decision support

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

Developing temporary housing solutions for displaced persons: A study of user needs

Ana Slavec, Eva Prelovšek
temporary housing sustainable design user needs refugees interviews

Temporary housing solutions are needed in civil protection for offering shelter to people in disaster-affected areas and other displaced persons. Often, shipping containers are used for this purpose, and while some studies highlighted the positive aspects (Zhang and Elmpt, 2014; Hong 2017) and...

School Furniture as a Risk Factor for Musculoskeletal Pain Among Slovenian Students

N. Podrekar, M. Burnard, N. Šarabon
ergonomics design school-furniture mismatch

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

Development of outdoor environment in schools with natural materials A response of future users

Aarne Johannes Niemelä, Eva Prelovšek Niemelä, Vesna Starman
thematic path wood nature integration school environment cognitive development sustainable development motor skills sensory stimuli cross-curricular integration change of learning environment architectural planning of outdoor space

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

A European reference house for Life Cycle Assessment of wooden residential buildings

Erwin M. Schau, Eva Prelovšek Niemelä, Aarne Johannes Niemelä, Tatiana Abaurre Alencar Gavric, Iztok Šušteršič
life cycle assessment Environmental Footprint buildings benchmark wood

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

Bioinspired building materials – lesson from nature

Anna Sandak
biomimicking bioinspiration climate adaptations building façades

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

Towards Smart Textiles for Civil Engineering Application

L. Marrot, J. Grkman, J. Včelák
smart textile embedded sensing renewable materials

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

Improving hydrophobicity and thermal stability of wood by esterification with fatty acids

René Herrera, Oihana Gordobil, Pedro Luis de Hoyos Martinez, Jakub Sandak, Anna Sandak
wood modification esterification process fatty acids hydrophobicity thermal resistance

Abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

Developing temporary housing solutions for displaced persons: A study of user needs

Ana Slavec, Eva Prelovšek Niemelä
temporary housing sustainable design user needs refugees interviews

Conference abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

Sustainability, health, and renewable materials: Trends in scientific publications

Nežka Sajinčič, Eftim Zdravevski, Anna Sandak, Andreja Istenič Starčič
sustainability health renewable materials buildings

Abstract for The InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

Anthropometric data

Nastja Podrekar

In this dataset, body dimensions of students for calculations suitability of school furniture are presented.

Graph Coloring based Heuristic for Crew Rostering

László Hajdu, Attila Tóth, Miklós Krész
Acta Cybernetica
crew rostering graph coloring tabu search

In the last years personnel cost became a huge factor in the financial management of many companies and institutions.The firms are obligated to employ their workers in accordance with the law prescribing labour rules. The companies can save costs with minimizing the differences between the real...

Fall events and ordinal daily activities from a sensored smart floor

Jernej Vičič, Aleksandar Tošić, Niki Hrovatin
fall prediction sensor data pressure sensors fall simulation

Data about fall events and ordinal daily activities from a smart floor wired with a matrix of sixteen pressure sensors. The dataset includes: sensor data gathered on a session simulating falls. The data was gathered from a proprietary setting of an array of pressure sensors mounted on a 1.2m...

The data and analytical support the Master's thesis submitted by Hana Remesova at the University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Information Technologies. The .csv files are data files, the .Rmd file is an R markdown which can be run. The product of knitting the...

Phenolic Compounds in Poorly Represented Mediterranean Plants in Istria: Health Impacts and Food Authentication

Ana Miklavčič Višnjevec, Matthew Schwarzkopf
phenolic compound food authentication technique health impacts Punica granatum L. Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Arbutus unedo L. Celtis australis L. Ficus carica L. Cynara cardunculus var. Scolymus L.

Phenolic compounds are well-known bioactive compounds in plants that can have a protective role against cancers, cardiovascular diseases and many other diseases. To promote local food development, a comprehensive overview of the phenolic compounds’ composition and their impact on human health...


Erwin M. Schau
environmental impact engineered wood products optimization oriented strand board (OSB) glued-laminated timber (glulam)

Reducing the environmental impacts of products and activities becomes more and more important as the world’s population grows and limits of the earth’s carrying capacity are closing in or already exceeded. Wood and engineered wood products, coming from a natural source, are generally seen as...

Monitoring Mass Timber Buildings: A Case Study of the InnoRenew CoE Building

Eva Prelovšek Niemelä, Aarne Niemelä, Andreja Kutnar, Anna Sandak, Jan Vcelak, Jakub Sandak, Iztok Sustersic
sustainable architecture mass timber buildings CLT structural monitoring hygrothermal monitoring timber façade microclimate

Conference abstract for the 2020 Society of Wood Science and Technology International Convention. 

A Circular Economy for Wood under the European Green Deal

Michael Burnard, Uwe Kies, Kim Turk Mehes

Conference abstract for the 2020 Society of Wood Science and Technology International Convention.

Regenerative wooden buildings in Europe: comparing Spain to other countries

A. Quintana, Erwin M. Schau, Eva Prelovšek Niemelä, Michael D. Burnard

Conference abstract for the 2020 Society of Wood Science and Technology International Convention.

Bioinspiration as a source for alternative wood modification, protection and functionalization

Anna Sandak, Jakub Sandak
biomimicry bioinspiration wood modification wood protection

Conference abstract for the 2020 Society of Wood Science and Technology International Convention.

Life cycle assessment of the new InnoRenew CoE research building – hot spots and the effects of methodological differences on the results for a wooden frame building

Erwin M. Schau, Eva Prelovšek Niemelä, Urban Kavka, Andreja Kutnar
Life cycle assessment (LCA) non-residential buildings wood frame Product Environmental Footprint (PEF)

Conference abstract for the 2020 Society of Wood Science and Technology International Convention.

Bioinspired wood protection – evaluation of wood treated with biofinish

Faksawat Poohphajai, Anna Sandak, Lauri Rautkari, Michael Altgen, Rene Herdiaz
wood protection biofinish bioinspiration

Conference abstract for the 2020 Society of Wood Science and Technology International Convention.

Demonstration of REED- Restorative Environmental and Ergonomic Design principles on InnoRenew CoE building architecture

Aarne Niemelä, Eva Prelovšek Niemelä, Michael Burnard
sustainable architecture mass timber buildings restorative environment connection to nature wellbeing

Conference abstract for the 2020 Society of Wood Science and Technology International Convention.

Conference abstract for the 2020 Society of Wood Science and Technology International Convention.

Mapping of moisture on wood surface with hyperspectral imaging

Jakub Sandak, René Herrera Díaz, Daniel Chuchala, Faksawat Poohphajai, Veerapandian Ponnuchamy, Nezka Sajincic, Piotr Taube, Kazimierz Orlowski, Anna Sandak

Conference abstract for the 2020 Society of Wood Science and Technology International Convention.

WoodCircus - Underpinning the vital role of the forest-based sector in the Circular Bio-Economy

Mike Burnard, Uwe Kies
wood construction wood processing life cycle assessment policy analysis

The construction sector represents one of the biggest sources of waste in terms of volume with approximately 70,5 million tons of wood waste generated annually. Currently, around one third of waste wood is recycled. This presentation gives an overview of WoodCircus project which aims at...

Anonymized and aggregated temporal data on the number of research papers coauthored by Slovenian researchers

Jernej Vičič, Aleksandar Tošić
Slovenian research network Benford law

The dataset includes: raw aggregated Slovenian researcher network data (available at http:((, Benford law distribution conformity tests. Scripts for handling the data and Benford conformity tests.

Fatigue behavior of beech and pine wood modified with low molecular weight phenol-formaldehyde resin

Jaka Gašper Pečnik, Andreja Kutnar, Holger Militz, Matthew Schwarzkopf, Hannes Schwager
beech creep rate fatigue strength phenol formaldehyde pine stress level wood modification

Modification of wood improves certain properties of natural wood and presents competitive alternatives to synthetic materials that may have larger environmental impacts. One aspect of modified wood that is currently not fully understood is the dynamic performance and how it is affected by the...

Conference contribution to the Society of Wood Science and Technology 63rd International Convention.... Reducing the environmental impacts of products and activities becomes more and more important as the world’s population grows and limits of the earth’s carrying capacity are closing in...

On-Line Measurement of Wood Surface Smoothness

Jakub Sandak, Kazimierz A. Orlowski, Anna Sandak, Daniel Chuchala, Piotr Taube
Drvna industrija
wood surface smoothness triangulation scanner surface defects in-line

The latest progress in the field of optics and microelectronics resulted in the development of new generation vision systems capable of scanning surface topography with very high sampling frequencies. The blue color of illuminating light as well as novel systems for controlling ultra-thin laser...


Darija Gajić, Anna Sandak, Slobodan Peulić, Črtomir Tavzes, Tim Mavrič
prefabricated timber panels building envelope refurbishment energy saving

System of prefabricated modules installed on the existing building envelope is one alternative solution for deep energy refurbishment of buildings in the European Union. It allows thermal upgrade installation of new parts in the HVAC system. Moreover, some elements of the envelope can be made of...

Elucidation of reactive sites of wood modified with acetic anhydride: Insights from density functional theory calculations

Veerapandian Ponnuchamy, Anna Sandak, Jakub Sandak, Rene Herrera Diaz
wood modification density functional theory esterification acetic anhydride acetylation wood functionalization

Density functional theory (DFT) was employed to investigate the interaction of cellulose and lignin with acetic anhydride for explaining the wood modification process. Atoms in molecules (AIM) and reduced density gradient (RDG) along with non-covalent interaction (NCI) plots were used to analyse...

Extraction, identification and antifungal activity of polar extractives originated from various wood species

René Herrera, Faksawat Poohphajai, Jalel Labidi, Stefan Willför, Anna Sandak
wood extracts polar compounds natural products wood protection antifungal capacity

Extractives are non-cell wall small molecules present in wood and other lignocellulosic materials that can be removed by solvents. Although they represent a minor fraction in comparison with the structural cell wall components, they are an important source of functional groups or molecules with...

Application of diverse hyperspectral imaging systems for evaluation of heritage objects

Jakub Sandak, Anna Sandak, Lea Legan, Klara Retko, Maša Kavčič, Janez Kosel, Faksawat Poohphajai, Rene Herrera Diaz, Veerapandian Ponnuchamy, Nežka Sajinčič, Črtomir Tavzes, Polona Ropret
hyperspectral imaging cultural heritage non-destructive testing surface characterization painted beehive panels

Advanced imaging techniques are able to non-invasively characterize, monitor and evaluate the impact of conservation treatments on cultural heritage (CH) objects. In this specific field, hyperspectral imaging (HI) allows non-destructive characterization of materials by identifying and...

In this data repository, data related to the study Effect of desk materials on affective states and cognitive performance is deposited, and includes datasets and processing code.

Effect of desk materials on affective states and cognitive performance

Dean Lipovac, Nastja Podrekar, Michael D. Burnard, Nejc Šarabon
Journal of Wood Science
Wood Materials Emotion Cognition Attention

Visual and tactile properties of materials can influence human emotional and cognitive functioning. Existing studies indicate that exposure to wood may lead to more favourable outcomes than contact with other common materials, but evidence is limited. We measured affective states and cognitive...

Effects of visual exposure to wood on human affective states, physiological arousal and cognitive performance: A systematic review of randomized trials

Dean Lipovac, Michael D. Burnard
Indoor and Built Environment
Wood Human stress Emotions Autonomic activation Executive functions Restoration

Background: Bringing features of nature indoors can positively influence indicators of human stress. Since wood is a natural material, it may produce similar benefits. The objective of the review was to (1) examine the influence of visual (real or virtual) contact with either real or imitated...

FTIR analysis of chemical changes in wood induced by steaming and longitudinal compression

Mátyás Báder, Róbert Németh, Jakub Sandak, Anna Sandak
Infrared spectroscopy Lignin Hemicellulose Cellulose Pleating process Hygroscopic properties

Pleating is an optimal way to increase bendability of wood used in diverse industrial applications. It results in the excessive buckling of cell walls and modifications of constitutive polymers. However, thoughtful understanding of the physical–chemical mechanisms of that modification process...

Non realizable degree sequences of dual graphs on surfaces

Vladimir Gurvich, Endre Boros, Martin Milanič, Jernej Vičič

A thorough set on non-realizable degree sequences of dual graphs on surfaces for number of edges up to (including) 7. Source code of the implemented algorithm is included.

This report is part of the start-up project WP6.1-Advanced materials for cultural heritage storage of EU project InnoRenew CoE (H2020 WIDESPREAD-2-Teaming; #739574). It focuses on material characterisation of start-up project’s case study – selected beehive panel paintings from the...


Piotr Taube, Kazimierz A. Orłowski, Daniel Chuchała, Jakub Sandak
pine log sorting method log quality shape scanner sawmill

The optimal transformation path for the resource is determined by the quality of a log combined with its dimension. The commercial value of derived products is also closely connected with the size and extent of containing wood deficiencies. The results of studies with three diverse strategies...

Densified wood impregnated with phenol resin for reduced set-recovery

Matthew Schwarzkopf
Wood Material Science & Engineering
THM wood modification impregnation densification

Thermal-hydro-mechanical (THM) densification treatments were performed on Populus spp. (poplar), Picea abies (spruce), and Fagus sylvatica (beech). Prior to THM treatment, a low-molecular weight resin was impregnated into the wood structure. Densification results, mechanical characteristics...

Proactive and reactive context reasoning architecture for smart web services

Nawel Sekkal, Sidi Mohamed Benslimane, Michael Mrissa, Cheol Young Park, Boudjemaa Boudaa
International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management
smart web service the web of things context reasoning proactive reactive multi-entity Bayesian networks MEBNs PR-OWL

The web of things (WoT) uses web technologies to connect embedded objects to each other and to deliver services to stakeholders. The context of these interactions (situation) is a key source of information which can be sometimes uncertain. In this paper, we focus on the development of...

Seismic Design of Timber Buildings: Highlighted Challenges and Future Trends

Mislav Stepinac, Iztok Šušteršič, Igor Gavrić, Vlatka Rajčić
seismic design tall timber buildings timber composites seismic retrofitting Eurocode 8

Use of timber as a construction material has entered a period of renaissance since the development of high-performance engineered wood products, enabling larger and taller buildings to be built. In addition, due to substantial contribution of the building sector to global energy use, greenhouse...


Mislav Stepinac, Filip Borak, Iztok Šušteršič, Igor Gavrić
potres earthquake rizik risk hazard osjetljivost vulnerability eneregetske metode energy-based design

This paper gives a brief overview of the current design of earthquake resistant structures. The paper presents and summarizes the latest insights regarding the design of earthquake resistant buildings, with the most basic examples and a critical review of the current state of regulations and the...

Micromechanical properties of beech cell wall measured by micropillar compression test and nanoindentation mapping

Petr Klímek, Václav Sebera, Darius Tytko, Martin Brabec, Jaroslav Lukeš
beech cell wall mechanical properties micropillar compression nanoindentation

Wood exhibits very different behavior and properties at different scales. One important scale is the cell wall (CW) that is commonly tested by nanoindentation. Common nanoindentation provides important insight into the material but has limitations because it does not apply uniaxial stress and...

The webinar will introduce researchers to key concepts in research data management, present resources that can be used when preparing a research data management plan and outline present best practices of sharing data in a responsible way in line with FAIR principles. The webinar will be lead by...

Dr. Ana Slavec je svetovalka za statistiko in raziskovalka na InnoRenew CoE Centru odličnosti za raziskave ter inovacije na področju obnovljivih materialov in zdravega bivanjskega okolja. Je ambasadorka Združenja za raziskovalne podatke RDA Evropa za področje tehnike – obnovljivih...

Development of Low-Cost Portable Spectrometers for Detection of Wood Defects

Jakub Sandak, Anna Sandak, Andreas Zitek, Barbara Hintestoisser, Gianni Picchi
NIR spectroscopy wood defects portable instruments in-filed measurement

Portable spectroscopic instruments are an interesting alternative for in-field and on-line measurements. However, the practical implementation of visible-near infrared (VIS-NIR) portable sensors in the forest sector is challenging due to operation in harsh environmental conditions and natural...

In this data repository, data related to the study Thermal Comfort and Perception of Different Materials for Tabletops  is deposited, and includes datasets, processing code, and supplementary tables.  

Best practices for using spreadsheets in research data management

Ana Slavec
data management spreadsheets Excel functions pivot tables

Presentation about best practices for using (Excel) spreadsheets to manage research data. 

Research data management for data on renewable materials and products

Ana Slavec
data management renewable materials FAIR data

The purpose of the workshop is to introduce researchers to key concepts in research data management and teach them how to share data in a responsible way in line with FAIR principles. Participants will also learn about best practices for using spreadsheets to manage their data. They need to...

Data management plan (DMP) for postdoctoral project on Using questionnaires to measure attitudes and behaviours of building users. The plan has the following sections: Data Collection, Documentation and Metadata, Ethics and Legal Compliance, Storage and Backup, Selection and Preservation, Data...

December 2019 Issue 4, InnoRenew CoE Newsletter containing an announcement of the new open access, peer-reviewed journal Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Built Environment (IPBE) and upcoming events, such as InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020, “Integrating...

Cavitation as a Potential Technology for Wastewater Management – An Example of Enhanced Nutrient Release from Secondary Pulp and Paper Mill Sludge

Mija Sežun, Janko Kosel, Mojca Zupanc, Marko Hočevar, Janez Vrtovšek, Martin Petkovšek, Matevž Dular
Strojniški vestnik – Journal of Mechanical Engineering

This study investigates efficiency of hydrodynamic cavitation alone and in combination with the addition of NaOH for the treatment of secondary pulp and paper mill sludge in order to enhance nutrient release. First, two laboratoryscale devices were tested: the blow-through and the rotating...

Vključevanje družboslovnih raziskav v dediščinsko znanost

Ana Slavec
kulturna dediščina družboslovne raziskave cultural heritage social science research

Predstavitev dveh primerov družboslovnih raziskav povezanih z dediščinsko znanostjo: ankete o razmerah hranjenja muzejskih predmetov (v okviru projekta Razvoj naprednih materialov za varstvo kulturne dediščine) in raziskave o družbenih mehanizmih vključevanja zainteresirane javnosti v...

Gamification in Education and Learning

Nežka Sajinčič, Anna Sandak, Andreja Istenič Starčič
basic psychological needs education engagement game elements gamification motivation self-determination theory

Gamification is the application of game design elements in a non-gaming environment to promote outcomes, such as enhanced motivation, engagement, performance, and behaviour alteration. As such, it seems a valuable and innovative tool to implement in education and assist students in their...

Design of bio based carbonaceous fibrous structures as catalysts in fuel cells

Silvo Hribernik, Mojca Božič, Selstina Gorgieva, David Brian DeVallance

Poster presented at 8th European Fuel Cell, Piero Lunghi Conference, Naples, 9-11 December, 2019

Conference abstract for an oral presentation in Session OA.05 session at the 3rd INTERNATIONAL CAPARICA CHRISTMAS CONFERENCE ON TRANSLATIONAL CHEMISTRY.

Načrti za podatke o obnovljivih materialih in produktih

Ana Slavec
data management upravljanje podatkov renewable materials obnovljivi materiali

InnoRenew CoE Center odličnosti za raziskave in inovacije na področju obnovljivih materialov in zdravega bivanjskega okolja je neodvisni raziskovalni inštitut, ki je bil ustanovljen februarja 2017 in je eden izmed devetih partnerjev v projektu InnoRenew v okviru programa Obzorja 2020 (H2020...

Introduction of biochar for the manufacture of flax conductive fabrics

Laetitia Marrot, Natalie Vellguth, Jana Winkelmann, Marco Wolf, David B. DeVallance
Biochar Conductive fabrics E-textile Flax Renewable

Conference abstract for International Conference on Intelligent Textiles & Mass Customisation.

On the König deficiency of zero-reducible graphs

Miklós Bartha, Miklós Krész
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization
Graph matching Independent set König property Graph reduction Graph algorithm

A confluent and terminating reduction system is introduced for graphs,which preserves the number of their perfect matchings. A union-find algorithm is presented to carry out reduction in almost linear time. The König property is investigated in the context of reduction by introducing the König...

Using 3D digital image correlation in an identification of defects of trees subjected to bending

Jan Tippner, Luděk Praus, Martin Brabec, Václav Sebera, Barbora Vojáčková, Jaromír Milch
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
Arboriculture Optical non-contact assessment Pulling test Strain Tree defect Tree-root system

Abrupt changes of climate have intensified during the last few decades, bringing higher risks from tree failures by either uprooting or stem breakage. To eliminate the risks, many techniques of tree assessment are being used. In the presented work, an optical technique based on 3D Digital Image...

Conference abstract for 15th Miklós Iványi International PhD & DLA Symposium.

Traffic load simulation for different sensor placements

László Hajdu, Dávid Balázs, Miklós Krész
wireless sensor network simulation framework load minimization

Conference abstract for 15th Miklós Iványi International PhD & DLA Symposium.

In this work we present a new rotation cavitation generator that is capable of energy efficient refining of conifer rich pulp samples in paper pulp industry.

In-situ penetration of ionic liquids into surface-densified Scots pine

Benedikt Neyses, Kelly Peeters, Lauri Rautkari, Michael Altgen
compressed wood wood modification chemical treatment green chemistry confocal Raman microscopy

Conference abstract for 62nd International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology  

Conference abstract for 62nd International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology  

The Forest for the Trees: Understanding the Experiences of Female PhDs in Forestry-Related Academia

Amy Simmons
gender gap forestry academia science technology engineering and mathematics (STEM) gender diversity gender disparity

Conference abstract for 62nd International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology  

Conference abstract for 62nd International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology  

Conference abstract for 62nd International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology  

Conference abstract for 62nd International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology

Conference abstract for 62nd International Convention of Society of Wood Science and Technology  

.An article on circular economy.


Eva Prelovšek Niemelä, Aarne Niemelä
Architecture InnoRenew CoE Horizon 2020

An article on architecture.


Iztok Šušteršič
engineered wood tall wooden buildings damping mass distribution

An article on tall timber buildings.


Aarne Johannes Niemelä
wooden construction governmantal support Finnland

An article on promoting wooden construction in urban scale.

An article about a new research project called CLICKdesign.

Wooden buildings of the demanding dimensions

Janez Koželj, Eva Prelovšek Niemelä, Jure Kotnik, Lenka Kavčič, Iztok Šušteršič
sustainable transformation wood construction tall wooden buildings

An article about wood construction.

Reverse mentoring as an alternative strategy for lifelong learning in the workplace

Nežka Sajinčič, Andreja Istenič Starčič, Anna Sandak
reverse mentoring older workers lifelong learning intergenerational learning

Conference abstract for Second Sheld-on conference meeting

Vizija evropskega gozdno lesnega sektorja do leta 2040

Andreja Kutnar, Črtomir Tavzes
diversification of production technologies circular society natural resources non-timber forest ecosystem services renewable energy renewable materials sustainable use of wood sustainable forest management fibers

Preparing an EU Framework Program is a difficult task and the European Commission cooperates with a large number of stakeholders in these processes. These include European Technology Platforms. For the timber sector, this is the European Forest-based Sector Technology Platform (FTP). Since its...

A two-stage heuristic for the university course timetabling problem

Máté Pintér, Balázs Dávid
University course timetabling Local search Heuristic

This paper presents a two-stage solution method for the curriculum-based university course timetabling problem. First, an initial solution is created using a recursive search algorithm, then its quality is improved with a local search heuristic. This method utilizes a tabu list of forbidden...

In this paper we provide empirical results on training a neural network with a genetic algorithm. We test various features of the generalized genetic algorithms, namely spieciation and fitness sharing and present the statistical analysis of all three variations. An obstacle avoidance problem was...

September 2019, Issue 3 InnoRenew CoE Newsletter containing news about infrastructure like laboratory equipment and events like InnoRenew CoE International Conference 2020.

Bio-based building envelops - challenges and perspectives

Anna Sandak, Jakub Sandak
façades biomaterials sustainable design

The recently observed tendency for development of sustainable structures and increasing environmental consciousness leads to reactivation of bio-architecture as an alternative to other construction materials. Very often, focus on sustain- able construction principles requires the use of local...

A Tabu Search Method for Optimizing Heterogeneous Structural Frames

Balázs Dávid
structural frames structural design tabu search mathematical model

Structural design is responsible for the design and development of structural plans. It consists of multiple steps that have to be performed sequentially. As the output of a step acts as an input for the next one, using optimization tools to aid the design process can help in achieving a better...

Minimizing Human Stress in Social Networks with Targeted Interventions

Dean Lipovac, László Hajdu, Sølvi Therese Strømmen Wie, Anders Qvale Nyrud
human stress social networks network science social contagion infection model

Chronic stress in humans can substantially impair functioning of organizations. As stress can spread through social networks, psychosocial interventions targeted at the most contagious people can efficiently improve organizational functioning. On the example of employees working in healthcare...

On the Complexity of a Filtering Problem for Constraint Programming: Decomposition by the Structure of Perfect Matchings

Radoslaw Cymer, Miklós Krész
constraint programming matching theory decomposition theory

A complexity analysis based on the structure of perfect matchings is given for the most efficient basic filtering algorithms in constraint programming with respect to the role of edges in matchings.

Generalized Petersen Graphs and Kronecker Covers

Matjaž Krnc, Tomaž Pisanski
generalised Petersen graphs Kronecker cover

Abstract: The family of generalised Petersen graphs G (n, k), introduced by Coxeter et al. [4] and named by Watkins (1969), is a family of cubic graphs formed by connecting the vertices of a regular polygon to the corresponding vertices of a star polygon. The Kronecker cover KC (G) of a...

Methodological challenges of measuring innovation activities of micro companies

Ana Slavec, Michael D. Burnard, Barbara Rovere
innovation forest-based value chain micro companies survey data standardized bias

Slovenia was identified as a region lagging in innovation and this is particularly noticeable in the country's forest-based value chain. However, Slovenia's Smart Specialisation Strategy identified this industry as having a strong potential for growth. To leverage the innovation and...

Low back pain (LBP) is common in children and adolescents. Several risk factors have been proposed, including prolonged sitting. The aim of this study was to review the literature on association between sitting/sedentary time or specific sedentary behaviour and LBP in children and...

Suitability of classroom furniture

Nastja Podrekar, Kaja Kastelic, Nejc Šarabon

Considering the amount of time students spend in the classroom predominantly in a sitting position, school furniture plays a key role in maintaining and promoting good posture. The aim of the study was to evaluate the mismatch between the existing classroom furniture and students’...


M. Erwin Schau
packaging paper wood Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) Category Rules (PEFCR) life cycle assessment (LCA) circular economy paper pilot

Between 2013 and 2018, the paper industry, together with the European Commission and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), developed the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) Category Rules (PEFCR) for intermediate paper products as part of the EU Environmental Footprint (EF) pilot phase. Based...


M. Erwin Schau, Anna Sandak, Jakub Sandak, Lone Ross Gobakken
paper products wood carbon footprint, Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) life cycle assessment (LCA) cascading use circular economy

Humanity has only 12 years to start a deep decline in emissions of Greenhouse gases in order to prevent dangerous, non-reversible climate change. Cascading use of wood might be a way to mitigate climate change. In this contribution, we investigate how the cascading use of wood from demolished...

Investigating face veneer check development in decorative plywood panels: the impact of four common manufacturing factors

Michael Burnard, Scott Leavengood, Lech Muszyński, Lisa Ganio
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products

An optical method based on digital image correlation was used to investigate the impact of four decorative plywood manufacturing factors (core type, veneer type, adhesive type and lathe check orientation) on face veneer checking. The four core types were: combination core, medium density...

Monitoring Environmental and Health Impact Data in BIM Models to Assure Healthy Living Environments

Anja Jutraž, Andreja Kukec, Peter Otorepec, Ladi Lampič, Jure Pohleven, Jakub Sandak, Katja Malovrh, Monika Varkonji Sajn
Building Information Modeling (BIM) environmental impact data indoor comfort health impact data healthy living environment

Health is our wealth and we are rarely aware that the choice of living and working environment affects us. We spend most of our time in indoor environments so the quality of indoor air plays an important role in the maintenance of health and well-being. Moreover, Building Information Modeling...

A Blockchain-based Decentralized Self-balancing Architecture for the Web of Things

Aleksandar Tošić, Jernej Vičič, Michael Mrissa
Edge computing Internet of Things Decentralized applications Blockchain

Edge computing is a distributed computing paradigm that relies on the computational resources of end devices in a network to bring benefits such as low bandwidth utilization, responsiveness, scalability and privacy preservation. Applications range from large scale sensor networks to IoT, and...

Numerical modeling of wood-adhesive bond-line in mode II for spruce wood glued by various adhesives

Václav Sebera, Jaka Gašper Pečnik, Boris Azinovič, Miha Kramar
mode II spruce wood finite element analysis crack propagation adhesive bond

Bond-line creates an interface between two glued surfaces and, therefore, its brings additional complexity into the mechanical behavior of glued component, especially around the bond-line region because an adhesive has a very different response to a mechanical stress than wood. From this...

Human stress responses in office-like environments with wood furniture

Michael David Burnard, Andreja Kutnar
Building Research & Information
healthy offices occupant stress timber materials indoor environment wellbeing

Stress is a major public health concern and work stress is a contributor to both acute and chronic stress. Moreover, most people spend the majority of their time indoors. It follows that the design of office spaces and other interior environments should consider the health impacts of individuals...

Vision System for On-line Monitoring of Wood Surface Roughness

Jakub Sandak, Kazimierz A. Orlowski, Anna Sandak, Daniel Chuchala, Piotr Taube
wood surface roughness triangulation scanner surface defects on-line at-line

The latest development in the field of optics and microelectronics resulted in a new generation vision system capable of scanning surface topography with very high sampling frequencies. The blue color of illuminating light as well as novel systems for controlling ultra-thin laser line thickness...

Shear-wave electrography (SWE) is a method used to assess tissue elasticity. Recently, it has been used to assess muscle stiffness, but the reliability of SWE for this purpose has not been thoroughly investigated. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the repeatability and reproducibility of...

Application of GRAS Compounds for the Control of Mould Growth on Scots Pine Sapwood Surfaces: Multivariate Modelling of Mould Grade

Olena Myronycheva, Faksawat Poohphajai, Margot Sehlstedt-Persson, Tommy Vikberg, Olov Karlsson, Helmut Junge, Dick Sandberg
bacteria potassium silicate N-Alkylbensyldimethylammonium chloride wood fungi mould area PLS modeling

In this study, the Generally Recognised as Safe (GRAS) compounds were applied in order to study mould-fungi growth on dried Scots pine sapwood. Background and Objectives: The transition to the use of more sustainable wood-material may be possible by applying GRAS compounds that can control and...

Discovering the Hidden Community Structure of Public Transportation Networks

László Hajdu, András Bóta, Miklós Krész, Alezira Khani, Lauren M. Gardner
Networks and Spatial Economics
Network modeling Public Transportation Community Structure Infrastructure security

Advances in public transit modeling and smart card technologies can reveal detailed contact patterns of passengers. A natural way to represent such contact patterns is in the form of networks. In this paper we utilize known contact patterns from a public transit assignment model in a major...

These files contain the data processing code (in R) used in an experiment comparing stress responses in different office-like environments. The experiment used salivary cortisol concentration as the primary indicator of stress and the analytical processing includes converting plate readings to...

Volatile organic compounds emitted from untreated and thermally modified wood - a review

Jure Pohleven, Michael David Burnard, Andreja Kutnar
Wood and Fiber Science
wood thermally modified wood volatile organic compounds VOCs emissions

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a diverse group of compounds that can have a strong impact on indoor air quality.Wood and thermally modified wood emit VOCs, which are referred to as wood VOCs, and can elicit various negative or positive effects in different organisms, including humans....

Low-cost capillary electrophoresis instrumentation for assessment of rain water ionic composition

Jakub Sandak, Jelena Gorbatsova, Piret Saar-Reismaa, Mihkel Kaljurand
capillary electrophoresis rain water ionic composition COST Action CA16215

The objective of this Short Term Scientific Mission was to test the suitability of capillary electrophoresis for determination of rain water chemical composition. The fully functional, open-hardware, low-cost instrument was assembled and tested. An original protocol for determination of the...

Shear response of isolated angle brackets for cross-laminated timber buildings

Boris Azinović, Miha Kramar, Tomaž Pazlar, Meta Kržan
Sound-insulation bedding insulated steel angle bracket shear behaviour experimental assessment equivalent viscous damping

In cross-laminated timber (CLT) buildings, acoustic behaviour presents a major concern due to low frequency noise transmission. To reduce the disturbing sound transmission over the flanking parts, special elastic layers with fine celled structure are being used between the CLT wall and CLT slab...

Assessment of extended retted hemp fibres for composite reinforcement: fibre properties and adhesion with polyactide matrix

Laetitia Marrot, Percy Festus Alao, Heikko Kallakas, Triinu Poltimäe, Jaan Kers
hemp fibres polyactide (PLA) matrix

This study investigates the potential value of extended retted hemp fibres as a reinforcement of the polyactide (PLA) matrix. The hemp stems (Hungarian Tisza variety) underwent a particular retting consisting of harvesting them only 6 months after the end of cultivation, leaving them in a...

Uniquely restricted (g, f )-factors

Miklós Krész
graph theory

Conference abstract for 9th Slovenian International Conference on Graph Theory

Lignin colloidal particles as adhesives in bio-composites

Silvo Hribernik, David Brian DeVallance, Tanja Kos, Manja Kurečič, Karin Stana Kleinschek

Abstract of a presentation given at 9th International Colloids Conference, June 16-19 2019, Sitges, Spain

Prolonged sitting is widely recognized as a risk factor for low back disorders and low back pain. Several harmful mechanisms have been proposed, affecting intervertebral discs, posterior lumbo-pelvic ligaments and fasciae, and muscles of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex. Sitting position is commonly...

Shift work is a well-known risk factor for several non-communicable diseases. However, little is known about how shift work affects daily activity behaviours and dietary pattern. The aim of this study was to test the effect of work shift on time spent sleeping, in sedentary behaviour and...

The impact of fire effluents on cultural heritage objects

Lea Legan, Klara Retko, Maša Kavčič, Friderik Knez, Polonca Ropret

This research focuses on preparation of model samples with traditional paints and binders, exposure of the samples to effluents from burning different wood fuels, and utilisation of analytical techniques for assessment of chemical changes of the samples.



Wood protection techniques and natural weathering: their effect on aesthetics and preference of people

Dean Lipovac, Michael D. Burnard, Anna Sandak, Jakub Sandak
wood protection weathering aesthetics preference

Wood treatments change the tactile and visual properties of wood substantially and they are further altered by weathering. No matter how useful the wood treatment is, people will be reluctant to select materials they do not find appealing. For this reason, many valuable wood protection...

This repository contains additional files related to the review and meta-analysis. The first dataset contains list of search terms. The second dataset contains list od studies included in the meta-analysis. The third dataset contains study evaluation using PEDro scale tool. The fourth dataset...

Beehive panel paintings: Material characterisation

Klara Retko, Maša Kavčič, Lea Legan, Domen Kranjc, Ana Penko, Črtomir Tavzes, Polonca Ropret

Four different painted beehive panels dating from the beginning of the 19th to the second half of the 20th century were selected for this study. This type of paintings was predominantly created by the lower (rural) classes and as such represents a variety of folk art [1]. This panels were...

Study of the influencing effect of fire effluents on the proteinaceous paint layers

Lea Legan, Klara Retko, Ana Penko, Maša Kavčič, Friderik Knez, Polonca Ropret

Fire disasters can pose a great threat to cultural heritage objects. The consequences of fire flames and fire effluents (FE) are almost always disastrous and still represent uncertainty regarding how and to what extent they affect the environment. Furthermore, their negative effect can continue...

Comparison of Self-Reported Sedentary Time on Weekdays with an Objective Measure (activPAL)

Kaja Kastelic, Nejc Šarabon
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science
validity bias error concordance sedentary lifestyle

Self-reports are commonly used tools for obtaining sedentary behaviors. The aim of our study was to assess agreement between two self-reports of sedentary time and a gold standard sedentary time objective monitor. A worksite sample (n = 42) completed the Slovenian version of the Global Physical...

Assessment of the chemical change in heat treated pine wood by near infrared spectroscopy

Zuzana Vidholdová, Anna Sandak, Jakub Sandak
Pine Heat treatment xylograms FT-NIR

Fourier-transform near-infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIR) was used as none-destructive method to determinate changes in the chemical structure of heat-treated wood. For this purpose, pine sapwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) was treated at different temperatures (from 100 °C to 240 °C) and for three...

Glued-in rods in cross laminated timber – Numerical simulations and parametric studies

Boris Azinović, Henrik Danielsson, Erik Serrano, Miha Kramar
Construction and Building Materials
Glued-in rods Cross laminated timber (CLT) Parametric study Nonlinear numerical modelling Glued-in length Rod diameter Rod orientation

Numerical simulations and parametric studies of glued-in rods in cross-laminated timber have been performed. The simulations were based on 3D finite element analysis, using a cohesive surface model for the bond-lines between the laminations and the bond-line along the rod. The parametric studies...

Enabling innovation in the European construction sector: A case study in open innovation

Barbara Rovere, Michael Burnard, Andreja Kutnar, Eric Hansen
open innovation, construction europe Slovenia

Poster presented at the 5th Annual World Open Innovation Conference held in Berkeley, California 13-14 December 2018

The presentation highlights the main ergonomic guidelines for the design of home, work and school furniture and the environment.

This book presents Slovenian science from the perspective of two recognised scientists and scientific observers. 

Thermally modified (TM) beech wood: compression properties, fracture toughness and cohesive law in mode II obtained from the three-point end-notched flexure (3ENF) test

Václav Sebera, Miguel Redón-Santafé, Martin Brabec, David Děcký, Petr Čermák, Jan Tippner, Jaromír Milch
beech brittleness of wood cohesive law compliance-based beam method (CBBM) compressive elastic modulus digital image correlation (DIC) equivalent crack length approach (ECLA) fracture mode II thermal modification thermally modified wood (TMW) three-point end-notched flexure (3ENF)

The fracture properties of thermally modified beech (Fagus sylvatica) wood (TMW) at 180° and 200°C were evaluated in mode II using the three-point end-notched flexure (3ENF) scheme assisted by threedimensional (3D) stereovision equipment for obtaining displacements and strains. The...

The presentation highlights novel approaches to active ageing in outdoor Environments.

Development of a Sensorized Timber Processor Head Prototype – Part 1: Sensors Description and Hardware Integration

Jakub Sandak, Anna Sandak, Stefano Marrazza, Gianni Picchi
timber quality processor head sensors NIR cutting forces

Forest operations are in constant development to provide increasingly higher standards of economic and environmental sustainability. The latest innovation trends are concentrated in the generation, storage and management of data related to the harvesting process, timber products and logistics...

Bio-based building skin

Anna Sandak, Jakub Sandak, Marcin Brzezicki, Andreja Kutnar
Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes

This book provides a compendium of material properties, demonstrates several successful examples of bio-based materials’ application in building facades, and offers ideas for new designs and novel solutions. It features a state-of-the-art review, addresses the latest trends in material...

February 2019 InnoRenew CoE newsletter containing upcoming InnoRenew CoE annual report, news, and events, including InnoRenew CoE's 1st International Conference: Timber – A healthy future for sustainable buildings and an anniversary celebration.

Damage progression analysis in a historical timber framed wall under cyclic loads through an image-based tracking method

Jakub Sandak, Mariapaola Riggio, Nicola Ruggieri, Anna Sandak
Construction and Building Materials
Image-based tracking Cyclic loads Damage progression Historical timber-framed wall

The scope of this paper is to analyse local phenomena associated with the damage progression and postelastic behaviour of a historical timber-framed wall system under cyclic loads. It was assessed on series of points identified on the wall by processing time-resolved sequences of images....

Effects of cycle and treadmill desks on energy expenditure and cardiometabolic parameters in sedentary workers: review and meta-analysis

Nastja Podrekar, Žiga Kozinc, Nejc Šarabon
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics
active workstation bike desk walking desk workplace ergonomics workplace intervention

Purpose. The aim of this article was to evaluate the effects of cycle and treadmill desks on energy expenditure and car- diovascular and biochemical indicators in sedentary workers. Materials and methods. In February 2018, six databases were searched. Both parallel and crossover design studies...

InnoRenew CoE newsletter, January 2019 reissue containing news of eight internal start-up projects and upcoming events like the COST Action FP1407 workshop and InnoRenew CoE's the 1st International Conference: Timber – A healthy future for sustainable buildings.

Manufacturing fit-for-purpose paper packaging containers with controlled biodegradation rate by optimizing addition of natural fillers

Anna Sandak, Jakub Sandak, Izabela Modzelewska
waste paper paper pots cereal bran degradation rate soil FT-NIR

Natural fillers were utilized for manufacturing horticultural packaging products. Five types of pots produced from waste paper with wheat and rye bran additions were compared with commercially available containers. The aim was to examine the influence of soil type on the degradation rate and...

Chemical and appearance changes of wood due to artificial weathering – Dose–response model

Marta Petrillo, Jakub Sandak, Paolo Grossi, Anna Sandak
Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy
wood weathering dose–response model multi-sensor measurement near infrared colour gloss

The aim of this study was to assess a model for the surface degradation kinetics of natural wood exposed to artificial weathering. The photochemical and physical processes of weathering result in simultaneous changes of both the wood matrix composition (i.e. lignin content, cellulose...

A Graph-based prediction model with applications

András London, József Németh, Miklós Krész

ABSTRACT We present a new model for probabilistic forecasting using graph-based rating method. We provide a “forward-looking” type graph-based approach and apply it to predict football game outcomes by simply using the historical game results data of the investigated competition. The...

This repository contains raw data from experiments investigating the reliability of shear-wave elastography (SWE) to assess muscle stiffness. The first dataset contains meat specimen experiments (using porcine meat specimens). The second and third datasets contain the measurements of...

The effect of sedentary work on trunk functions – in context of older employees

Kaja Kastelic, Matej Voglar, Nejc Šarabon
sensory-motor trunk functions sitting workplace lower back pain

Aging of the (active) population bring many challenges, which mainly results from a lack of health. The aim of our study was to test, whether there are differences in sensory-motor trunk functions between younger and older employees. We also tested whether work influence them differently. Fifty...

Experimental and numerical analysis of fracture toughness of thermally modified beech in mode II

Václav Sebera, Miguel Redon, Martin Brabec, David Děcký, Petr Čermák, Jaromír Milch, Jan Tippner
thermally modified beech fracture toughness crack digital image correlation finite element analysis

Conference abstract for Final COST Action FP1407 International Conference - Living with modified wood

Durability of modified wood and bio-based materials under outdoor conditions

Heikko Kallakas, Kevin Visnapuu, Triinu Poltimäe, Jaan Kers, Anna Sandak
modified wood bio-based materials natural weathering durability façade performance

Conference abstract for Final COST Action FP1407 International Conference - Living with modified wood

Strategies for improvement of visibility and acceptance of modified wood

Anna Sandak, Viviana Golja, Julia Belda, Jens Geissmann-Fuchs, Kelly Peeters, Jakub Sandak, Janja Juhant Grkman, Silvo Hribernik, Dean Lipovac, Peter Nadrah
modified wood interaction with materials human perception product visibility

Conference abstract for Final COST Action FP1407 International Conference - Living with modified wood

Human interaction with wood – what to measure, how to measure?

Anna Sandak, Jakub Sandak, Agnieszka Landowska, Veronika Kotradyová
wood perception wearable sensors preference test

Conference abstract for Final COST Action FP1407 International Conference - Living with modified wood

Wood protection from the olive industry

Matthew Schwarzkopf, Michael Burnard
modification olive oil protection wood

Conference abstract for Final COST Action FP1407 International Conference - Living with modified wood

Conference abstract for Final COST Action FP1407 International Conference - Living with modified wood

Review: wood modification techniques based on cell wall bulking with non-toxic chemical reagents

Kelly Peeters, Emmanuel Fredon, Philippe Gérardin, Charlotte Grosse, Callum A.S. Hill, Clément L'Hostis, Miha Humar, Dennis Jones, Erik Larnøy, Marion Noël, Anna Sandak
cell wall bulking esterification reaction Maillard reaction non-toxic reagents wood modification

Conference abstract for Final COST Action FP1407 International Conference - Living with modified wood

Can modified wood compete with untreated wood in preference of people?

Dean Lipovac, Michael D. Burnard, Andreja Kutnar, Anna Sandak
wood modification perception evaluation preference well-being

Conference abstract for Final COST Action FP1407 International Conference - Living with modified wood

Assessment of lignocellulosic-substrate fungi-based materials

Laetitia Marrot, Marica Mikuljan, Franc Pohleven
fungi wood hemp lignocellulosic

Conference abstract for Final COST Action FP1407 International Conference - Living with modified wood

Konstrukcijski spoji z vlepljenimi palicami v križno lepljenem lesu

Boris Azinović, Erik Serrano, Miha Kramar, Tomaž Pazlar
križno lepljen les konstrukcijski spoji vlepljene palice natezni preizkus

Vlepljene palice predstavljajo zanimivo rešitev stikovanja nosilnih lesenih elementov, s številnimi ugodnimi lastnostmi kot so visoka nosilnost, dobra požarna odpornost, prilagodljivost z arhitekturnega vidika, idr. Kljub številnim prednostim, je uporaba vlepljenih palic v praksi...

Data management at the InnoRenew CoE

Ana Slavec, Michael D. Burnard, Andreja Kutnar
data management InnoRenew CoE

The InnoRenew CoE Renewable Materials and Healthy Environments Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence is a young interdisciplinary research institute with two key research areas: wood modification and restorative environmental and ergonomic design. It was established as part of the...

Human health research at the InnoRenew CoE

Michael Burnard, Jure Pohleven, Dean Lipovac, Nastja Podrekar
Human Health built environment wood buildings restorative environmental and ergonomic design mental wellbeing ergonomics active aging volatile organic compounds

An overview of ongoing research at the Innorenew CoE to improve human health in the built environment (Fall/Winter 2018). Presented at the 2018 SWST/JWRS International Convention in Nagoya, Japan.

A healthy lifestyle includes many factors. One of the main ones is sufficient physical activity, which positively affects many health-related parameters: it reduces the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, and promotes the individual's mental abilities....

Fracture toughness of thermally modified wood in mode II

Václav Sebera, Miguel Redon, Martin Brabec, David Děcký, Petr Čermák, Jaromír Milch, Jan Tippner
fracture toughness thermal modification mode II digital image correlation end-notched test

Conference abstract for 8th Hardwood Conference

Conference abstract for 8th Hardwood Conference

Extended Utilization of Forest Production & Wood Material: Hardwood Usage from Native Properties to Wood Modification

Peter Rademacher, Radim Rousek, Petr Pařil, Jan Baar, Stanislav Horníček, Zuzana Paschová, Róbert Németh, Tamás Hofmann, Fanni Fodor, Gerald Koch, Andreja Kutnar
Extended biomass production lesser used wood species wood modification high use value for recovered wood wood based panels renewable sources for adhesives

Conference abstract for 8th Hardwood Conference

European Hardwoods Innovation Alliance: first results of a European survey on hardwoods research needs and priorities

Barbara Rovere, Ana Slavec, Uwe Kies
innovation scientific collaboration social network analysis survey

Conference abstract for 8th Hardwood Conference

Static and dynamic performance of wood modified with phenol formaldehyde

Jaka Gašper Pečnk, Hannes Schwager, Matthew Schwarzkopf, Holger Militz
fatigue life stress level phenol formaldehyde chemical modification

Conference abstract for 8th Hardwood Conference

Hemp in Slovenia: challenges and opportunities

Laetitia Marrot
hemp fibres Slovenia renewable

The poster describes the environmental advantages of using hemp, the mechanical properties of the hemp fibres, the extend of the cultivation of hemp in Slovenia and Europe, the hurdles encountered in Slovenia and the envisioned work

Experimental investigation of the axial strength of glued-in rods in cross laminated timber

Boris Azinović, Erik Serrano, Miha Kramar, Tomaž Pazlar
Materials and Structures
Glued-in rods Cross laminated timber (CLT) Pull–pull experiment Glued-in length Rod-to-grain angle Failure mechanisms in CLT

The paper presents results from an experimental assessment of glued-in rods in cross laminated timber (CLT). For the purposes of the study more than 60 pull–pull tests were performed, where the specimens varied in terms of bonded-in length (from 80 to 400 mm), rod diameter (16–24 mm) and...

Is sedentary behavior increasing with age?

Podrekar Nastja, Kozinc Žiga, Šarabon Nejc
sedentary behavior young workers, older workers correlation

Sedentary behavior has been identified as a significant risk factor for pre-mortality independently of daily physical activity. At the same time the number of older adults remaining at work increases nowadays. The issue of sedentary behavior in older adults is therefore a growing field of...

Prototype of the Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Expert System for Particleboard Identification

Anna Sandak, Jakub Sandak, Dominika Janiszewska, Salim Hiziroglu, Marta Petrillo, Paolo Grossi
Journal of Spectroscopy

The overall goal of this work was to develop a prototype expert system assisting quality control and traceability of particleboard panels on the production floor. Four different types of particleboards manufactured at the laboratory scale and in industrial plants were evaluated. The material...


Jakub Sandak, Kazimierz A. Orlowski
Journal of Machine Engineering
circular saw blade vibrations machine vision system supervising circular rotation speed

Abstract: Dynamical properties of rotating circular saw blades are crucial for both production quality and personnel safety. This paper presents a novel method for monitoring circular saw vibrations and deviations. A machine vision system uses a camera and a laser line projected on the saw’s...

Community based influence maximization in the Independent Cascade Model

László Hajdu, Miklós Krész, András Bóta
Proceedings of the 2018 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
Community detection Infection maximization Independent Cascade Model

Community detection is a widely discussed topic in network science which allows us to discover detailed information about the connections between members of a given group. Communities play a critical role in the spreading of viruses or the diffusion of information. In [1], [8] Kempe et al....

The Maillard reaction for wood modification: The influence of reagent concentrations, reaction temperature and soaking time on the leachability and cell wall penetration of reagents

Kelly Peeters, Andreja Kutnar, Črtomir Tavzes, Jaka Pečnik, Callum A.S. Hill
beech pine leachability Maillard reaction wood modification

Finding efficient ways to decrease wood decay caused by fungi and increasing its dimensional stability is an important issue in timber construction and other applications. A possible way to avoid wood decay by fungi and increase its dimensional stability, is by reducing the water content of...

Performance of modified wood in service – multi-sensor and multi-scale evaluation

Anna Sandak, Jakub Sandak, Marta Petrillo, Paolo Grossi
service life performance modified wood multi-sensor evaluation weathering facades

The performance of 120 selected façade materials provided by over 30 industrial and academic partners was evaluated during 12-month experimental campaign of natural weathering. A multisensor measurement chain for the acquisition of properties at different scales (molecular, microscopic,...

Life cycle assessment of bio-based façades during and after service life: maintenance planning and re-use

Marta Petrillo, Jakub Sandak, Anna Sandak, Paolo Grossi, Andreja Kutnar
bio-based material cascading end-of-life façade life cycle assessment re-use service life

New developments in the field of wood protection, coupled with the European political determination to lower the environmental impact of the building sector, designates wood and bio-based materials as an excellent option for building façades. Despite that, the share of wood in the European wood...

Perception and evaluation of modified wood

Dean Lipovac, Michael D. Burnard, Andreja Kutnar
evaluation perception preference tactile visual wood modification

Wood modification processes improve many characteristics of wood that are appreciated among building professionals. The same modification processes also change characteristics of wood that are important to laypeople, such as wood’s visual (e.g., colour) and tactile (e.g., roughness)...

Effect of wood modification and weathering progress on the radiation emissivity

Paolo Grossi, Jakub Sandak, Marta Petrillo, Anna Sandak
emissivity modified wood thermography thermal images weathering heat transfer

The research reported here is a part of the BIO4ever project, which aims to develop numerical models simulating performance of the bio-based cladding materials in relation to the exposure time or so-called “weather dose”. The value of emissivity is one of the thermodynamic material...

Multi-depot bus schedule assignment with parking and maintenance constraints for intercity transportation over a planning period

Dávid Balázs, Krész Miklós
Transportation Letters
Bus scheduling parking maintenance long-term planning public transportation assignment integer programming network flow

This article introduces the schedule assignment problem for public transit, which aims to assign vehicle blocks of a planning period to buses in the fleet of a transportation company. This assignment has to satisfy several constraints, the most important of which is compatibility, meaning that...

Acute effect of full time office work in real environment on postural actions and lumbar range of motion

Kastelic Kaja, Matej Voglar, Šarabon Nejc
Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology

Introduction: Prolonged sitting is often proposed as a risk factor for low back pain development. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the acute effect of full time office work on sensorimotor trunk functions. Methods: Seventeen healthy office workers participated in the study. Maximal...

Experimental and numerical analysis of flexible polymer connections for CLT buildings

Boris Azinović, Miha Kramar, Tomaž Pazlar, Matija Gams, Arkadiusz Kwiecien, Jan Weckendorf, Iztok Šušteršič
CLT connections flexible adhesive polyurethane energy dissipation equivalent viscous damping cyclic tests dynamic tests

The paper explores the possibility of using flexible adhesives to dissipate energy in CLT buildings during earthquakes. In the first series of tests, a rod glued in a CLT panel with flexible adhesive was investigated. The connection was tested in pull-pull configuration using cyclic,...


Iztok Šušteršić, Bruno Dujič, Simon Aicher
Cross-laminated timber Hybrid plates Experimental testing Ribs Material rationalisation

Cross laminated timber (CLT, X-lam) started its mass production in the beginning of the 21st century. Over time it has become one of the most used products in the timber construction industry with its worldwide use constantly growing. The quantity of yearly cut timber especially in Europe is...

Utilisation of chemically modified lampante oil for wood protection

Matthew Schwarzkopf, Michael Burnard, Viacheslav Tverezovskiy, Andreas Treu, Miha Humar, Andreja Kutnar
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products
wood protection olive oil wood modification

Within the Slovenian region of Istria, the olive growing and oil production industry is strong. This industry has a long history and the olives grown here have high levels of biologically active compounds including a variety of phenolic compounds. Using residual materials generated by this...

Professional journal article describing the potential for open innovation in the furniture sector in Slovenia. Article is in the Slovene Language. 

An optical method for rapid examination of check development in decorative plywood panels

Michael David Burnard, Lech Muzynski, Scott Leavengood, Lisa Ganio
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products
Digital Image Correlation optical methods crack assessment maple veneer plywood

Common methods for assessment of surface checking in decorative plywood panels rely on manual handling and visual inspection of specimens, a laborious procedure practically limiting the number of materials and variables that may be considered within one project. In this study, a new automated...

Sedentary behavior is a well-known risk factor for several non-communicable diseases. The aim of our study was to investigate sedentary time and physical activity in crane operators and office workers within work and non-work context. Fourteen crane operators and 15 office workers wore activPAL...

An examination of the potential for the use of the Maillard reaction to modify wood

Kelly Peeters, Erik Larnøy, Andreja Kutnar, Callum A.S. Hill
International Wood Products Journal
Beech and pine Maillard reaction primary amines sugars thermal reaction water deliverable wood modification

Finding efficient ways to decrease wood decay caused by fungi is an important issue in the timber construction. A possible way to avoid wood decay by fungi is by reducing the water content of wood, since water is a primary condition for fungal growth. Bulking of the wood cell wall by chemical...

Exploring connections between researchers and ideas in the European Hardwoods Innovation Alliance using two-mode social network analysis

Ana Slavec, Barbara Rovere, Uwe Kies, Andreas Kleinschmidt von Lengefeld
innovation research mapping and clustering social network analysis.

Two-mode social network analysis (SNA) can be applied to data that consists of two sets of units, from analysing persons and societies to authors and papers. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the possibilities of this approach for the analysis of connections between researchers and...

Open innovation in manufacturing industries: A literature review

Barbara Rovere, Michael Burnard, Andreja Kutnar, Eric Hansen
open innovation,

Contribution submitted to and presented at the 2018 WESTERN FORESTRY GRADUATE RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM held at Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA in April 2018.


Michael Burnard
cortisol building materials construction design natural materials regenerative design restorative design human well-being

This study of human stress in the built environment included a literature review, a survey assessing user perceptions of building material naturalness, and an experiment to determine the human stress impacts of wood use in office-like environments. The literature review indicated the potential...

Structuring of cellulose (nano) substrates into functional porous materials

Silvo Hribernik, Tanja Kos, Mojca Bozic, Manja Kurecic, Karin Stana Kleinschek
Polymer science

Abstract of a lecture at 3rd edition of International Conference and Exhibition on Polymer Chemistry, March 26-28, 2018, Vienna, Austria

When designing experiments with wood products, it is important to provide a high enough number of replicates as wood specimens, even if taken from the same tree, may differ in their physical properties.....

Wood modification in Slovenia

Manja Kitek Kuzman, Michael Burnard, Andreja Kutnar

Presents and overview of wood modification activities and uses in Slovenia.   As of early 2018, Slovenia has two main providers of thermally modified wood. One company developed its own process while the other firm provides treatment. In addition to Slovenia’s wood modification...

Performance of modified wood – Bio4ever project - how to convince people to use bio-based building materials?

Anna Sandak, Jakub Sandak, Marta Petrillo, Paolo Grossi, Marcin Brzezicki

Today’s bio-based building materials, even if well characterized from the technical point of view, often lack reliable models describing performance during their service life. The overall goal of the BIO4ever project is to contribute to public awareness, by demonstrating the environmental...

Wood preservatives utilizing low-value olive oil production by-products: Analysis

Michael Burnard, Matthew Schwarzkopf, Viacheslav Tverezovskiy, Andreas Treu, Miha Humar, Andreja Kutnar

The objective of this study was to develop and assess the efficacy of two experimental methodologies for the maleinisation of lampante oil to be used for wood protection. Two maleinisation techniques were used to chemically modify low-value lampante oil in an attempt to limit leaching, increase...

 InnoRenew CoE Newsletter December 2017, Issue 1 containing events, research visits, and Living Lab InnoRenew. 

Wood modification technologies - a review

Dick Sandberg, Andreja Kutnar, George Mantanis
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry
Chemical Treatments Thermo-hydro-mechanical LCA Acetylation Furfurylation Resin Impregnation Environmental Impacts Densification

The market for new durable products of modified wood has increased substan- tially during the last few years, especially in Europe. This increased interest depends partly on the restricted use of toxic preservatives due to increased environmental concern, as well as the need for reduced...

Examining the evolution and convergence of wood modification and environmental impact assessment in research

Michael Burnard, Marko Posavčević, Edo Kegel
iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry
Bibliometrics Data Mining Network Analysis Wood Modification Environmental Impact Assessment COST Action FP1407 Wood
Supplemental material:

This paper uses network analysis of two fields to demonstrate the value of the technique, and to examine how the fields have changed over time and to what extent they overlap. This was of interest for a COST Action (FP1407, ModWoodLife:

A questionnaire was developed based on key findings in REED and a web survey was performed to determine how the design of office spaces is linked to employee well-being and assess the state of office spaces in Slovenia. 401 responses from office workers employed in various businesses in Slovenia...

Life Cycle Assessment – Opportunities for Forest Products Sector

Andreja Kutnar, Callum AS Hill
wood S-LCA product category rules (PCR) environmental impact environmental product declaration (EPD) forest products life cycle assessment (LCA) O-LCA

The utilization of wood in long life products, such as construction materials in the built environment, is an e ective way to optimize the use of natural resources while also reducing negative environmental impacts. However, the environmental bene ts of timber, especially in the construction...

Common themes in Wood Modification and Environmental Impact Assessment of Wood

Michael Burnard, Marko Posavčević, Edo Kegel
bibliometrics network analysis wood modification environmental impact assessment meta-analysis

Bibliometric analysis utilises data mining techniques to capture selected aspects about a set of publications. For instance, researchers can quickly assess how research themes change over time, identify new trends in research, gaps in the knowledge base, assess collaboration patterns, identify...

Performance of three-layer composites with densified surface layers of Nothofagus pumilio and N. antarctica from Southern Patagonian forests

Matthew Schwarzkopf, Michael Burnard, Guillermo Martínez Pastur, Lucas Monelas, Andreja Kutnar
Wood Material Science & Engineering
Densification silviculture low-density wood modified wood hardwoods

Nothofagus pumilio and N. antarctica forests of Southern Patagonia, Argentina are currently being managed for production of saw logs with fast growing conditions. The result of these management strategies is faster growing forests, but also an increase in the percentage of low-density wood. The...

Micromechanics of the internal bond in wood plastic composites: integrating measurement and modeling

Matthew Schwarzkopf, Lech Muszyński, Chad C. Hammerquist, John A. Nairn
Wood Science and Technology
wood digital image correlation strain

In this study, an integrated approach combining experimental measurements and numerical modeling was used for characterization of load transfer in the wood/matrix interface in wood plastic composites (WPCs). The experimental methodology was based on optical measurement of surface displacements...

Within this article, we reviewed the most important standards and recommendations on office furniture design. Office environments, designed in line with these recommendations, decrease the risk of injuries and other problems, associated with sedentary jobs.