December 6, 2024
The University of Primorska celebrates its anniversary every year in the week around 17 March, since it was entered in the Court Register on 17 March 2003. Thus, every year, the UP Week takes place, and within it there is always a Solemn Academy, at which the UP awards prizes to all those who have contributed to the reputation, development and success of the University through their work or activities.
This year, two researchers from the InnoRenew CoE were among the award recipients. Dr. Aleksandar Tošić received the 2023 UP Solemn Charter for his significant contribution to the development of UP in all of its activities and for his extremely successful integration of scientific research work with industrial projects.
While, dr. Anna Sandak received the 2023 UP Scientific Excellence Award for her outstanding research in wood science and her leadership of a prestigious ERC project.