January 16, 2025
Dr. Miklós Krész, dr. Ana Slavec and dr. Dean Lipovac attended the 19th Applied Statistics international conference, held 24-26 September 2023 in Koper and hosted by the University of Primorska’s Faculty of mathematics, natural sciences and information technologies.
Dr. Ana Slavec and dr. Dean Lipovac were members of the organisational committee.
On Monday, dr. Ana Slavec had a presentation about ”Residential renovation in Slovenia: comparison of survey and registry data” in the session on Social Sciences and on Tuesday dr. Miklós Krész presented “Ranking genes based on gene spreading strength and mutation neighbour influence in network” in the session on Network analysis.
The Applied Statistics conference brings together researchers and practitioners from around the world working on various aspects of data analysis, data science, and statistics to present their latest research and learn from each other.