September 6, 2024
InnoRenew CoE hosted the 2nd European teaming conference, which brought together representatives of all 45 running Teaming projects.
Dr. Andreja Kutnar, InnoRenew CoE director, welcomed everyone at the conference:
“These conferences started as a result of discussions held in the European Teaming Club, an informal club connecting representatives from all Teaming winning projects. I am convinced this gatherings are very important to identify shared challenges and common strategies.”
Dr. Klavdija Kutnar, University of Primorska’s rector, dr. Tomaž Boh, Acting Director-General at the Science Directorate, and Minna WILKKI, Head of Department at the European Research Executive Agency, also greeted all participants.
The objective of the conference was to share experiences, network for sustainability, and to be communicating jointly to the European Commission. Representatives from the European Commission were also present at the conference and they presented the support of periodic reporting towards sustainability of the projects, and the new widening instruments with the potential support for the sustainability aspects of Teaming projects.
Dr. Andreja Kutnar shared with participants views and experiences of the InnoRenew project, which is also the first Teaming project to come to its end, and she spoke about the sustainability of Teaming projects through the experience of InnoRenew CoE. Additionally, mapping of successful Teaming projects and key elements were discussed and the third generation of Teaming projects were welcomed to the Teaming Club.
At the conference different panels where organized where advanced partners from all Teaming projects shared their experiences and lessons learned, their unique experiences in hiring and retaining experienced researchers with other participants. A special session was dedicated to the topic of sustainability and the role of centres of excellences in European research landscape.
Later participants joined Parallel sessions, according to the focus of their project – Materials & Physics, Digital, Biotech & Agriculture, Health, and Environment, culture & education, with the aim to discover synergies and enable collaborations.
Participants had also the chance to visit the InnoRenew CoE research laboratories. The conference ended with a special ceremony that the InnoRenew CoE organized for the conclusion of the InnoRenew project.