December 24, 2024
The Ambassador of the Republic of Poland, His Excellency Krzysztof Olendzki visited the University of Primorska (UP). He met by Prof. Dr. Klavdija Kutnar, Rector of UP, Prof. Dr. Simona Kustec, UP FM, and Polish researchers working at UP Famnit, UP IAM and InnoRenew CoE – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jakub Michal Sandak and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anna Małgorzata Sandak, the first researcher in Slovenia to be awarded a project European Research Council (ERC) project to strengthen independent research career (ARCHI-SKIN project).
The ARCHI-SKIN project is aimed at developing a protective bio-coating made from engineered living materials. They presented to the ambassador various activities of the UP, with a special emphasis on cooperation with Polish research institutions, and the discussion also turned to activities for enhanced cooperation between the UP and Polish universities.
UP underlined its involvement in the European University Transform4Europe, which also includes Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowice / University of Silesia (Katowice, Poland).
After the visit, the Ambassador also signed the UP Memorial Book.