February 7, 2025
Dr. Jakub Sandak, Cuauhtli Campos Mijangos, and Josip Dijanić from the InnoRenew CoE, attended the Single item identification for forest production, protection and management (SINTETIC) project kick off meeting which took place in Spain.
They actively participation during the kick-off meting by coordinating one of the sessions dedicated to the second work package. Further in this WP the InnoRenew CoE researchers will develop and integrate hardware and software solutions needed to deploy novel ICT technologies along the whole forest value chain, co-create and validate the novel identification tools to physically mark and recognize all the timber products (trees, logs and boards) along the supply chain, enabling interconnection of data from the forest to the end-products, and implement innovative solutions and technologies increasing the added value of timber, maximizing the yield and value recovery as well as enhancing the overall efficiency of all process steps.
The core objective of SINTETIC is to set up and demonstrate a traceability system for trees, logs and boards based on state-of-the-art ICT through a central Geodatabase covering the whole forest-based value chain.