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Eva Prelovšek Niemelä about the Servite Monastery

The InnoRenew CoE is collaborating with the University of Primorska on the renovation of one of the largest building complexes in Koper – the Servite Monastery.

The renovation, which started in 2021, is being carried out in stages and with the help of national and EU funding. The renovated premises will serve to the university, while the ground floor will be open to the general public. A museum, an auditorium for events, a café and a reading room will be created.

Over the last two years, the former maternity hospital has been cleaned and extensions removed in an attempt to preserve its original form. In the process, many interesting archaeological findings have been excavated.

“We found pieces from Roman excavations, as well as medieval and modern excavations. In particular, we found a lot of skeletons, but also interesting Roman roof tiles, a Roman mosaic and a Romanesque apse from the 12th century,” said Eva Prelovšek Niemelä, InnoRenew CoE architect.

Listen to the Megafon TV’s Pregled tedna video (from 26:25 minutes onwards, in Slovene) to find out more about the other finds and the future plans for the restoration of the Servite Monastery.