January 17, 2025
Dr. Andreja Kutnar, InnoRenew CoE director, took part in the virtual 6th Knowledge Platform Consultation “European Academies: the path to 21st century competences?”, held 21 June 2023.
The event was organised by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, with the aim of bringing together Slovenian stakeholders to learn about different approaches to European Academies initiatives and projects, and how to link such initiatives with national ones.
Dr. Andreja Kutnar presented the Academy for the New European Bauhaus, which was established at the University of Primorska with the goal of providing sufficient new orientations to tailor-made training modules for workers and to promote greater involvement of people (both contractors and users) in sustainable building practices.
The creation of the different European Academies is driven by the objectives of the European Year of Skills, which aims to fill skills gaps in the EU and to promote an EU skills strategy that will help to upskill and reskill people, with a focus on digital and green technology skills.
The European Academies are being developed in different areas and differ conceptually. However, they all have in common the design as projects within different EU programmes and instruments and they seek to contribute to reducing the skills and competences gap, which is a growing challenge in the EU.