January 17, 2025
Tim Mavrič, InnoRenew CoE researcher, is in the organization committee of the COST Action CA18204 – Dynamics of placemaking and digitization in Europe´s cities symposium “The future of placemaking: mapping the way forward for a better society”. It will be held 8 May 2023 at the Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
This symposium will aim to address various aspects of contemporary placemaking through the lectures of the invited speakers and by providing the podium for the exchange of thoughts and ideas on the ways forward for placemaking.
Due to the limited number of places at the venue please register at placemaking@uirs.si and write “REGISTRATION” in the subject of your email.
Alternatively, you can join online (registration not needed in this case).
Read here more about the event.
Additionally, members of the Cost Action will be able to attend the training school Methodologies for researching place-making processes in contested historic spaces held in Koper, Slovenia from 9-12 May 2023.