February 12, 2025
Dr. Anna Sandak and Dr. Jakub Sandak, InnoRenew CoE research group leaders, welcomed in the institute’s building participants of the Latin American and Caribbean Days 2023. The conference was organized by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia, under the auspices of the Bled Strategic Forum.
In the framework of the conference, participants had an opportunity to join the visit of InnoRenew CoE. Dr. Anna Sandak and Dr. Jakub Sandak presented to them the institute, its main activities and toured around the building and research laboratories. Additionally, they meet with Cuauhtli Campos Mijangos, InnoRenew CoE researcher from Mexico.
LAC Days conference brings together government officials and representatives of NGOs, academia, and the business sector, with a forward-looking and positive agenda to encourage strengthening bilateral and bi-regional cooperation.