February 12, 2025
Dr. Anna Sandak, InnoRenew CoE research group leader and ARCHI-SKIN project leader, hosted members of the Scientific Advisory Board, in the InnoRenew CoE building. The objective of the meeting was to monitor the scientific progress of the project, boost innovative ideas, and provide strategic direction for further project development.
ARCHI-SKIN is an interdisciplinary research project that aims to develop protective bio-coat made from engineered living materials. The project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe ERC program.
At the meeting project team members presented the activities conducted during the first 8 months of the ARCHI-SKIN project, development of the Engineered Living Materials laboratory, the data management plan, bioreceptivity of building materials, microcalorimetry experiments, molecular docking and time lap microscopic observations. Further they presented the planned future activities.
The members of the Scientific Advisory Board – Dr. Michael Sailer, prof. dr. Jeff Morell, prof. dr. Mieke Oostra, prof. dr. Nina Gunde-Cimerman and prof. dr. Michał Woźniakiewicz – provided valuable feedback on the project’s progress, scientific and technical aspects, and offered suggestions for future development. Additionally, they attended the InnoRenew CoE weekly meeting and presented their research topics to all InnoRenew CoE employees.
The two-day meeting ended up with a field trip to Sečovlje Nature Park and Piran.