February 12, 2025
Dr Karen Butina Ogorelec, a researcher at InnoRenew CoE, received one of the 2023 Ron Cockcroft Awards (RCA).
The Ron Cockcroft Award committee has awarded RCA travel awards to 13 applicants to attend the IRG54 meeting in Cairns, Australia at the end of May 2023. The Ron Cockcroft Award is a merit-based programme to promote international awareness of developments in research in wood protection, by providing assistance towards travel and accommodation costs to selected persons and enabling them to participate in IRG conferences. It is intended primarily to assist active younger scientists, who, for financial reasons might otherwise be unable to attend an IRG conference.
Karen will present the latest results of the ARCHI-SKIN project – assessment of fungal colonization on biobased cladding materials with conventional and high-throughput methods.
Congratulations, Karen!