October 10, 2024
Today, InnoRenew CoE hosted the Slovenian Regional Development Fund as part of their professional excursion.
Dr. Andreja Kutnar, InnoRenew CoE director, Dr. Igor Gavrić, Dr. Črtomir Tavzes and Eva Prelovšek Niemela, presented the institute and the use of wood in construction. They also addressed the topic of the carbon footprint of timber construction and the LCA methodology.
The Regional Fund is a financial development institution that supports projects through financial products that are sustainable, socially acceptable, have an impact on reducing the carbon footprint and are also regionally relevant and contribute to the development of a particular Slovenian region. InnoRenew CoE has been involved in the development of the Slovenian Industrya Strategy 2021-2030 and the related implementation document of measures for the development of the wood processing industry. In this document, the Slovenian Regional Development Fund is also listed as a key stakeholder. This is why the implementation measures and the role of the Fund were also discussed during the visit.
The visit ended with a guided tour of the building and the research laboratories.