September 6, 2024
The Charm of Wood 2020 exhibition will be displayed this year in Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana from 31 August until 8 September 2020.
For many years the exhibition organizers – Association for the Protection of Wood of Slovenia, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, SPIRIT Slovenia – Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, Department of wood science and technology at the Biotechnical faculty University of Ljubljana, InnoRenew CoE and the Wood Council, in cooperation with Cankarjev dom – present wood as an attractive material for the production of diverse objects and buildings to the widest possible audience. More than 100 wooden items of various sizes – from furniture, lamps and washing basins to musical instruments, toys and jewelry – are on display.
InnoRenew CoE architect Eva Prelovšek Niemelä is also part of the commission for the selection of exhibited products, and together with architect Aarne Niemelä, they designed and set up the exhibition in Cankarjev dom.
The official opening will take place on Tuesday, 1 September 2020, at 12:00, and it will host representatives from the government of the Republic of Slovenia. Speakers include Zdravko Počivalšek, Minister of Economic Development and Technology, Danilo Anton Ranc, Director-General of the Wood Industry Directorate and Marko Petrič, professor at the Wood technology department at the University of Ljubljana’s Biotechnical faculty. Moreover, the program will be enriched with a performance by the singer Tanja Lončar.
You are kindly invited to attend!