September 6, 2024
On Friday, 6 September 2019, the InnoRenew CoE, in collaboration with the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies at the University of Primorska, hosted members of the alumni club from Graz University of Technology (Austria).
The workshop began with welcoming words and an introductory talk by Dr Andreja Kutnar, the InnoRenew CoE director, who presented the InnoRenew CoE’s development story – from the initial stages of the project proposal to the current operation of the institute. Dr Kutnar emphasized the research topics and ongoing projects that the interdisciplinary team of researchers is currently working on and expressed her pleasure that members of the alumni club chose Koper, the University of Primorska and the InnoRenew CoE for their annual meeting.
The workshop continued with eight lectures on sustainable buildings, energy and health. Among representatives from academia, there were also two colleagues from Austrian companies who presented their views on the use of sustainability in industry.
The event ended with a guided tour of University of Primorska and the InnoRenew CoE laboratories.