September 6, 2024
13. 11. 2018
The COST Academy is a recent training initiative developed to support the COST Actions. It offers trainings, workshops, and mentoring on topics highly relevant for the performance of Action networks. The initiative is focusing on developing particularly the skills of young and/or Inclusiveness Target Country researchers.
Recently our researcher and the Science communication manager for COST Action FP1407 ModWood Life Amy Simmons went to Brussels where she attended two COST Academy training events focused on dissemination activities.
The trainings she attended were “Working with the media. Mastering media interviews” and “Shooting and editing a video for your Action”. They were informative and provided knowledge about promoting the COST Action and disseminating the research results.
The trainings were a great opportunity for Amy to gain additional skills for science communication and will be invaluable to the COST Action FP1407 and the InnoRenew CoE in the future.