February 7, 2025
14 November 2017
The participants of the InnoRenew CoE Boost project, Innovative Connections for CLT Buildings, met with the Austrian company, Getzner, at ZAG in Ljubljana. They discussed how best to collaborate on the CLT boost project, including how to involve research on the seismic performance of timber connections with Getzner products.
Getzner produces materials for the insulation and isolation of vibrations and structure-borne noise. The company was represented by Matthias Wittwer, Hendrik Reichelt, and Vasja Černac (who works for the Slovenian company, Lespatex, which represents Getzner in Slovenia). ZAG was represented by Miha Kramar and Boris Azinović. InnoRenew was represented by Iztok Šušteršič and Jan Weckendorf.
After a successful meeting, it was decided that InnoRenew, ZAG, and Getzner will start a cooperation for the boost project and perform tests that involve damping material and specific means of connection/connectors developed by Getzner. Testing is scheduled to begin in 2018. In the future we are hopeful there will be more opportunities for further cooperation between our organizations.