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InnoRenew CoE presents at a flagship conference in Tallinn, Estonia

24.-26. October 2017

As part of the Presidency of the Estonian Republic of the Council of the European Union, Tallinn hosted a flagship conference “Nature-based Solutions: From Innovation to Common-use”. In this framework they hold a seminar “Innovation in the forest-based sector: from idea to practice” which was organised by FTP and its National Support Group (NSG). It was as an unique opportunity to meet forestry experts, industry leaders and funding providers.

Among other excellent presentations, an InnoRenew CoE researcher, Dr Črtomir Tavzes, gave the talk “Excellence in sustainable building research. The case of the InnoRenew Centre of Excellence”. In it he discussed opportunities to obtain European RDI funding (concisely prepared in the presentation of the FTP director, Dr Johan Elvnert). Dr Tavzes described briefly the origins of the InnoRenew CoE with a focus on the research and planning phase and our strategy for developing excellence in RDI of the foreseen areas. Foremost, Črtomir presented to the Estonian NSG stakeholders and international guests the possibilities and the opportunities to engage in cooperation with InnoRenew, most efficiently so through our Living Laboratory.

We look forward to fruitful international collaborations in the future.