- PROJECT TITLE: Digital wood
- LEADER: Vesna Starman
- PERIOD: 1.10.2022 – 31.10.2022
- BUDGET: EUR 2,500.00
- FINANCING: Mestna Občina Koper
- COORDINATOR: University of Primorska
The project will take place over three days and will involve talented pupils in grades 8 and 9. On the first day, they will learn about the properties of wood and the differences and similarities between them, as well as the importance of natural sciences for the progress of the economy and society.
On the following day, they will also learn about the diversity of wood through microscopic digital imaging. They will take pictures of individual sections of different types of wood at a resolution that allows them to be printed enlarged or displayed on a computer screen, with the possibility of zooming in without blurring the image.
Students will look at some samples at low or no magnification, draw and label what they see, to practise observation. Under the drawing, they will write two or three analogies (e.g. What does this remind me of? What else is it similar to?). They then repeat the process at a higher magnification.
Under the written analogy, they answer the question “Why does this remind me of this?”, and then use their analogies as clues to hypothesise how the structures or patterns they have observed work. This is followed by a description of how they might test one of their hypotheses. With the help of literature and researchers, they find out what other scientists have studied about the pattern they have observed. In this way, they will be taught how to pose hypotheses or research questions and will be guided and encouraged in their research work.
They will then assemble the individual images into a composite image (montage) of the section and format it using different computer programmes such as Adobe Photoshop. In addition to processing them into a true likeness of the original scientific material, participants will also try their hand at processing the photographs from an aesthetic point of view. This will develop innovative and creative thinking.
On the third day, the students will work together to create an exhibition, which will provide an opportunity to learn project and group work and to cooperate with each other. They will accompany their products with an explanation to present their newly acquired knowledge about the importance of wood as a renewable material and to reinforce their knowledge and skills related to the use of wood.
The exhibition will be open to the public and the students will learn how the project is carried out, from the idea to the useful product and the presentation of the final product.
InnoRenew CoE project activities
InnoRenew researchers will present the main advantages of wood and through hands-on workshops, students will learn about the properties of wood. They will also learn about wood and the tools used to work with it. They will be introduced to career opportunities in working with wood. They will be encouraged to express their new knowledge through art. They will work with art teachers to set up an exhibition.