- PROJECT TITLE: Dynamic Response of Tall Timber Buildings under Service Load (DynaTTB)
- PROJECT LEADER: RISE Research Institutes of Sweden / Iztok Šušteršič, PhD (for InnoRenew CoE)
- PERIOD: 01.03.2019 – 30.09.2022
- BUDGET: 1,749,483.00 EUR (105,000.00 EUR for InnoRenew CoE)
- FINANCING: European Union – ForestValue Research Programme and Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Education, Science and Sport
- PROJECT COORDINATOR: RISE Research Institute of Sweden (Sweden)
- PARTNERS: NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway); University of Exeter (UK); University of Ljubljana (Slovenia); InnoRenew CoE (Slovenia); Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (France); Linnaeus University (LNU) (Sweden); Moelven Töreboda AB (Sweden); SWECO Norge AS avd Lillehammer (Norway); Smith and Wallwork Engineers Ltd (UK); GALEO (Spain); Eiffage Immobilier (France); ARBONIS (France)
Wooden houses represent one of the most efficient ways of storing CO2 in the built environment. They address principal environmental challenges and contribute to a circular economy in the building industry. High-rise building offers high cost and space efficiency. However, we need to better understand vibrations caused by the wind, which contribute to size, shape, and mass design in order to minimize effects on physical well-being. Therefore, we need to obtain information about oscillation time and damping of high-rise buildings that are susceptible to resonance with wind vibration. Despite the increased popularity for high-rise building, currently only some information and little knowledge is known regarding damping, mass distribution, and rigidity in this kind of building. Dynamic properties of the building are mostly dependent on damping in wooden connections as well as in non-structural elements. To solve this problem, we are designing new, more detailed experimental research, with calibrated numerical models, that will enable us to better describe and predict high-rise building behavior under wind load. TRL stage is estimated at 3-4. The methodology involves experimental measurements of components of building structures (mainly wood joints) and already constructed buildings. They will serve to verify numerical models based on the finite element method. By using this approach, it will be possible to more accurately evaluate the parameters that are currently given as an estimate and are not consistently scientifically verified. More precise models will enable more reliable planning of the high-rise buildings, which will promote greater use of high-rise wooden buildings as part of urban development, with the possible increase of growth value and market for renewable products in the forest economy.
InnoRenew CoE project activities
InnoRenew CoE will be responsible for analysis of existing experimental results with the focus on damping in CLT connections and performance of additional experiments, 3D models of buildings which will be tested in-situ, coordinating the dissemination activities, and for development of guidelines for the design of tall timber buildings on wind load.
“The research leading to these results has received funding from the ForestValue Research Programme which is a transnational research, development and innovation programme jointly funded by national funding organisations within the framework of the ERA-NET Cofund ‘ForestValue – Innovating forest-based bioeconomy’.”