March 12, 2025
The New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative launches the NEBAcademy on skills for sustainable construction, as one flagship initiative of the European Year of Skills.
In this context, the NEB calls for contributions to the NEBAcademy.
The NEBAcademy will provide a coherent and accessible set of online and offline trainings at the European scale and promote inter-regional exchange of skills and best practices. The trainings will be developed with stakeholders from the construction ecosystem and delivered by structures recognized as NEBAcademy Hubs (e.g. universities, research centres, professional chambers…).
The University of Primorska will host the first NEBAcademy Hub. It will initiate the coordination of the trainings’ development and delivery, and support networking among future Hubs.
Everyone who is an education or training provider working at the forefront of sustainable construction is invited to contribute to the NEBAcademy, for example in sharing online learning materials, hosting courses, or organising activities such as summer schools or training workshops.
Please fill in the following survey to share your contributions to the NEBAcademy. The call will be open until 25 April 2023.
All contributions will be examined by experts in the field of sustainable construction, coordinated by the University of Primorska and the NEB Team at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, and selected for their high-quality content and overall clarity.
The NEB Team is organizing also an online info session about the call on 18 April 2023 from 16:00 to 17:00 (CET). The link will be shared on the NEB website on 11 April.
Please contact EC-New-European-Bauhaus@ec.europa.eu in case you have any question.