February 12, 2025
In the framework of the DESIRE – Design for all applied to age-friendly housing project, a short animation video was prepared to present some of the principles of age-friendly built-environment. The video shows one day of a couple, where the housing, semi-public and public space is designed for all, supports social inclusion, intergeneration exchange, active ageing and wellbeing/ complex comfort at the same time.
DESIRE is Erasmus+ project, which recently concluded and was involving 5 partners from 4 countries (STU Bratislava/Slovakia, IESA SAV/ Slovakia, CETEM/Spain, SHINE2 Europe /Portugal and InnoRenew CoE/Slovenia). Partners were providing professional expertise in the building industry and home furnishings sector with the tools and skills to apply Design4All methods as an integral part of the design process, with the aim to create or adapt age-friendly housing as a solution for the wellbeing, comfort and autonomy of the older adults or dependents at home.
Authors of video: Barbora Valabeková and Veronika Kotradyová, (music used: Mozart Piano Sonata No 16 C major)