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People with different perspectives and interests

Gertrud Fabian, information technology and graphic design

  • Where were you living in childhood and where do you live now?

Before we moved to Koper, we lived in my hometown, Szeged, Hungary.

  • What have you studied and what were the motives for your decision?

I learned music when I was a child, which is a great hobby, but unfortunately not good for a living. Then I graduated (bachelor and masters) from the Szeged University of Science with a degree in Informatics teaching. My boss at the time motivated me to move forward in my work, this is why I started worked in the IT department, and that’s how I became an IT specialist.

  • How would you describe your work to someone outside your field?

I am currently doing graphic design work at InnoRenew CoE. I have always been a creative individual, but at InnoRenew CoE I started to really utilize this in my work, which I really like. I feel that this area of ​​Informatics is much more interesting to me than what I did in previous years. I create logos and websites for projects, illustrations for articles, and edit publications for conferences.

  • What does your typical working day look like?

After the morning rush, (getting up…morning routines, urging the family, fighting for the bathroom, transporting children to school) a coffee at work while reading e-mails and slack messages. If there is new work of a larger volume, then a meeting can be held either online or in person. But my colleagues usually contact me by email for small illustrations or text edits. I spend most of my day sitting in front of the computer. Brainstorming, designing, editing, implementing. Sometimes I take a break by making a tea, communicating with colleagues (only about work 😊).

  • What makes you excited about your work?

It is very interesting to implement new and creative things, which I can use to help my colleagues’ work. Of course it is not always easy. You have to get to know the tastes and needs of the “customer”, which involves a lot of negotiation. Then comes planning and implementation stage.

  • And what is the biggest challenge at your work?

I work with many different people from different countries. Research work is very different from my work. People with different perspectives and interests. I have to think a little like them to find the right design. That’s the challenge and that’s what makes it exciting.

  • Which scientist or scientific achievement are you fascinated by and why?

All scientific discoveries are incredible and some are truly life changing. But when I think about our fast-paced everyday life, the greatest invention is the Internet. Probably the greatest technological invention of our time. From connecting scientists around the world, allowing them to easily share information and research, to making scientific resources and documents available to more people than ever before, the Internet has had a huge impact on science.

  • Tell us about the work of art (books, music, movies, theatre, dance, visual arts) that has a special place in your life.

I like to see exhibitions, but unfortunately I don’t spend enough time on it. The last time I was at Frida Kahlo’s artist exhibition. But I like to look at the buildings while walking. I am often surprised, because in this fast-paced world we rarely look above eye level. But it’s sweet to try looking up.

  • What have you read, listened to, or watched lately?

If I read, it’s a light romantic novel. But lately, unfortunately, watching movies takes precedence. I like costume movies. Last time I watched “The Favourite”, a movie set in 18th century England.

  • Describe your very first impression of Slovenia.

I was in Slovenia on vacation in 2004. My first impression on the road was “very green”. A beautiful landscape with good geographical features.

  • What do you like about Slovenia and what do you miss most from your homeland?

This is a very difficult question. It is always good where you live with your family, but I really miss the time spent with relatives and friends.

  • Which place on the Slovene coast do you like the most?

It is true that we live here at the coast, but we enjoy the beauty of the coast very little. Perhaps in the spring, it is very pleasant to walk along the banks of Strunjan, which is not yet crowded with tourists.

  • What makes you enthusiastic?

If my family and children are comfortable in their own skin. They also face many challenges in school. And of course, I can be very enthusiastic if I receive positive feedback about my work.

  • Characterize your life’s guidance or an important realization (or epiphany) you have experienced.

Moving abroad was a big challenge. I’ve always thought that I take obstacles well and adapt easily. It turned out that’s not true. I still struggle with this to this day. I thought “family comes first” was a cliché, but I have to admit, it’s very typical of me. You learn a lot from stepping out of your comfort zone.

  • What does the charm of wood mean to you?

Nature, which changes from time to time and shows its new face. It requires care. It’s like our lives and our relationships.