February 12, 2025
Barbara Rovere, assistant researcher and project manager at InnoRenew CoE; main area of research: innovation management
I spent my childhood in the idyllic Drava valley in Slovenia. My hometown is Radlje of Dravi.
In the first year of high school, I moved to Maribor, still in Slovenia, and, from there, on to an international boarding school in Duino, Italy. After graduating from high school, I moved from country to country approximately every two years. Three years ago, I relocated to Slovenia again. I live in Ljubljana.
I completed my bachelor’s degree in international relations, economics and German language and literature at universities in the USA and Germany. I completed my master’s degree in Belgium in the field of European politics and administration. I am currently a PhD student at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Management.
The focus of my doctoral research is innovation management. I am intrigued by this topic because I am curious how scientific knowledge and creativity are transformed into business and practical use.
I research how to optimise innovation processes and how to make innovation activities accessible to as many firms as possible.
I study scientific literature from my field of research and work on my own scientific manuscripts.
I enjoy discussions with research colleagues from all over the world.
I have two young children, so I have to mind my work-life balance.
I admire the classic works in the field of management and economics by authors such as Joseph Schumpeter, Igor Ansoff, Keith Pavitt and Edith Penrose.
I particularly appreciate the work of contemporary researchers who have established new fields of research and dramatically changed our understanding of certain phenomena in business and management. Two of my favourites are Bengt Lundvall and Henry Chesbrough. They both work in the field of non-linear innovation models and have respectively introduced the concepts of innovation systems and open innovation.
I own a series of photographs from the cycle “Miniverse” by Aleš Bravničar and an oil painting by the group IRWIN. They are an important part of my daily living environment.
While driving, I usually listen to the culture channel of Slovenian National Radio. The programme offers a nice selection of classical music, opera and literature. In the summer holidays, I will read the novel “Newcomers” by Lojze Kovačič.
My favourite locations are the Natural Park Strunjan and the Strunjan cliffs.
The accomplishments of my children.
The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second-best time is now.
In its smell. I love the smell of bark on the trees in the forest, the smell of freshly chopped wood as well as the smell of logs burning on an open fire.