Dr Rok Prislan is Head of research department for Buildings and is leading research in the field of acoustics at InnoRenew CoE. His main research topics are advanced measurement techniques for sound field characterization and geometrical room acoustic modelling.
Before joining InnoRenew CoE, Rok was working as an acoustic designer/consultant at MK3 d.o.o. and has led over 60 projects in the field of acoustics and noise control. He has been in charge of the acoustic design of a large span of buildings, including theatres, studios, concert venues and offices. His practical experience is complemented with R&D projects that include room acoustic analysis in the cloud, smart acoustic elements and artificial acoustic environments.
Rok has two master’s degrees, one in physics (mathematical physics) from the University of Ljubljana and one in engineering acoustics from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). As such, Rok has a broad overview of acoustics as well as knowledge for modelling natural phenomena. Rok obtained his PhD at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, researching the analogies between quantum mechanics and acoustic systems as well as developing room acoustic simulations.