March 21, 2025
During the UP Week, a delegation from the Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA), with which UP is partnered within the Transform4Europe European University (T4EU), visited UP on 17-18 March.
On Monday, 17 March the delegation first visited the research institute InnoRenew CoE, where they were introduced to the institute and university. Dr. Klavdija Kutnar, Rector of UP, highlighted some key characteristics of the university in her opening address.
Dr. Andreja Kutnar, InnoRenew CoE’s director, presented the institute and pointed out activities of the NEBAP Hub, the Centre for Sustainable Built Environments, which has successfully secured the project “New European Bauhaus Academy Alliance – NEBA Alliance” (NEBA Alliance), with EKA among the 14 partners.
Dr. Anna Sandak, InnoRenew CoE’s Deputy director, highlighted the ERC project Archi-skin and the EIC Pathfinder project Remedy. Dr. Michael Burnard, InnoRenew CoE’s Deputy director, emphasized REED – one of the key research areas at InnoRenew CoE – as well as the restoration process of the Servite monastery. Dr. Mohammad Derikvand presented the ERA Fellowships project EcoDLT, while Dr. Karen Butina Ogorelec introduced the MSCA project Micro-insert. Lei Han highlighted activities within the WoDeFi project, which aims to use THM wood densification for low-value wood species to develop high-performance wood panels with enhanced mechanical properties and improved fire resistance.
The visit at InnoRenew CoE concluded with a guided tour of the institute. Dr. Črtomir Tavzes presented key aspects of the institute’s design and construction process, as well as its research laboratories.
Representatives of EKA also had to opportunity to present the academy, especially in frame of ongoing projects, that might be on common interest, followed by a discussion about research synergies.
The next day was dedicated to meetings with UP leadership and board of UP deans and directors, where possible collaborations were discussed. Additionally, they visited the Servite monastery that is currently going through a renovation process under the supervision of UP.
Estonian Academy of Arts is the only public university in Estonia providing higher education in fine arts, design, architecture, media, visual studies, art history, and conservation. EKA is striving to be among the leading international centres of innovation in the field of visual culture.
Ongoing collaborations that are building a common ground for UP and EKA are mainly with UP members: UP IAM and UP FHŠ. UP IAM are partners of LIFE BE-WoodEN and WoodStock projects, both focusing on sustainability. UP FHŠ and EKA are already collaborating on field of ethnography, heritage, renovation, innovating heritage and education in frame of T4EU project and beyond. The visit brought some interesting insights and ideas for further cooperation also with other faculties.
The delegation of the EKA consisted of: Hilkka Hiiop (Rector), Anu Allas (Vice-Rector of Research and Head of Doctoral School), Martin Meioranski (Head of 3D Lab and new expert in T4EU Transformative Heritage task), Pille Epner (leading specialist of Research & Development, Irene Hütsi (coordinator of Doctoral School) and Sven Idarand (Secretary General Transform4Europe, T4EU Project Manager at EKA). Together with UP and UP faculty leaders, they developed several ideas for cooperation and built a common ground for long-term partnership between the institutions.