January 17, 2025
The first batch of 9 LIFE Be-WoodEN free webinars are now live in Italian, with English versions coming soon.
They are available at the official E-learning platform of the “Ordine degli Architetti di Genova”. Click on this link below to start your LIFE Be-WoodEN experience.
Webinar topics Include:
- Life Cycle Assessment and Eco-Design
- Introduction to Green Public Procurement
- Wooden Constructions and Architectural Design
- New Wooden Architectures: From Design to Construction
- Wood Anatomy and Anisotropy
- Effects of Humidity on Wood
- Biodeterioration and Wood Protection
- Wood Characteristics and Mechanical Properties
- Wood Sustainability
- Solid wood: Classification and Certification
Additionally there are several Post-Webinar Opportunities, and you are welcome to express interest in joining:
- Innovation Labs in Liguria Region (Italy)
- Winter School in Florence (Italy)
- Study Visit in Izola (Slovenia)
Selections will end in Autumn 2024. Credits are available for Architects and Professionals.
Find out more information about this here.
The LIFE BE-WoodEN – Buildings and Education in Wood Ecosystem for the New European Bauhaus project, is financed under the LIFE2027 initiative of the European Commission and aims to promote the decarbonization of buildings, improve circularity in the building sector, and overcome barriers hindering the widespread use of wood and bio-based materials.