March 13, 2025
Dr. Anna Sandak, InnoRenew CoE Deputy director and Head of research department for materials, had a keynote talk at the Forum Wood Building Baltic, which was held 26-28 February 2024, in Tallinn, Estonia.
In the keynote she presented the role of New European Bauhaus in transformation of timber architecture for sustainable future. Additionally, she held a presentation about the project ARCHI-SKIN and highlighted the topic of bioinspired living coating system for regenerative and circular architecture.
The Forum Wood Building Baltic is the main conference for architecture and engineering topics of wooden buildings: design for manufacturing and assembly, building physics, energy performance, fire safety in the countries around the Baltic Sea.
Dr. Anna Sandak attended also the WoodLCC project meeting where progress was presented by all partners. InnoRenew CoE is responsible to deliver a demo plugin for BIM software for estimation of LCC that is adopted for the specific needs of timber structures.