March 6, 2025
InnoRenew CoE, in collaboration with the University of Primorska, is organizing a technical workshop and roundtable discussion, “Predicting service life performance of timber structures: Durability and aesthetics”, within the framework of the CLICKdesign project on 17 June 2020 from 9:00 to 12:30. It will be a hybrid event linking regular meeting with a teleconference.
Workshop participants will learn how to understand and enable approaches for modelling service life performance of timber buildings. When considering choices for timber and detailing, architects, structural engineers, timber industry representatives, and investors should be well informed about specific issues related to these products’ service life and durability. Timber service life and durability significantly influence a structure’s mechanical properties and aesthetical alterations, especially when exposed to the outer climate.
At the upcoming workshop, four invited speakers from leading European research institutions will introduce diverse problems related to durability of wood and emerging threats from biological infestations of fungi and insects. In addition, the speakers will present and elaborate new methodology to asses changes of aesthetical appearance for building façades made of biological materials together with effect on customer perception. A review of innovative software tools, including BIM (Building Information Modeling), that support designers, builders and users of timber structures will also be shared.
WHEN: Wednesday, 17 June 2020
WHERE: Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve, Sermin 50, 6000 Koper, Slovenia or ONLINE using Zoom (more details will be shared with registered participants).
You can find detailed program together with the description of keynote speakers here.
Participation in this event is free of charge. Pre-registration is required as the number of participants will be limited.
Please confirm your participation by sending an e-mail to jakub.sandak@innorenew.eu no later than 15 June 2020.
Everyone is kindly invited to join the workshop.
For certified and supervising engineers participants at the workshop, the Slovenian Chamber of Engineers has awarded 2 credits for elective courses in accordance with the General Act.
For certified architects participating in the workshop, the Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning of Slovenia will award three credits for attending the event.
Jakub Sandak, PhD
InnoRenew CoE, Livade 6, 6310 Izola, Slovenia
skypeID: qbasandak
phone: +386 (0)40 282 959
Project CLICKdesign is supported under the umbrella of ERA-NET Cofund ForestValue by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia. ForestValue has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 773324.