November 22, 2024
Today, climate change is one of the greatest challenges and, at the same time, the biggest proof of the impact our actions have on the natural environment, which has a rebound effect on our lives. Each individual is responsible. This is true whether his or her actions will have positive or negative effects. For instance, architects have an important task and opportunity to positively impact the environment with their choice of building material. A positive choice is not choosing concrete when designing a building, since it is known that the cement industry is among the biggest environmental polluters, but choosing natural or renewable materials, such as wood, instead. Scientists already proved that building with wood is the correct answer to the problem of pollution and environmental impacts on human health and well-being. A lot of activities and research at the InnoRenew CoE relate to this, including the interdisciplinary project for the two new buildings of the research institute. These buildings will be a new home for the InnoRenew CoE employees and their research and an important acquisition for the local environment and the state.
While planning the buildings, mainly constructed from wood, researchers from different areas of expertise and architects at the InnoRenew CoE, Eva Prelovšek Niemelä and Aarne Niemelä, took into account the latest findings on the impact of the built environment on human health. They aim to bring these scientific discoveries into architecture to test them and set completely new goals for architectural planning of the future.
The new buildings were designed using the principles of restorative environmental and ergonomic design – REED, one of the InnoRenew CoE’s key research areas. They will be built in the area originally planned for the University of Primorska Campus in Izola; therefore, they are adapted to the Municipality of Izola spatial plan. Currently, the InnoRenew CoE is in the process of selecting the contractor for construction. The research institute prepared a video about the construction of the new buildings and important aspects of sustainable development in architecture.
You can read more about the design of the project itself and acquisition of new projects at the InnoRenew CoE that will contribute to sustainable development of the environment in the Municipality of Izola as well as Slovenia, Europe, and the world in the article POMEMBNI KORAKI ZA RAZISKOVALNI INŠTITUT: Taki bosta novi zgradbi v izolskih Livadah, published at the portal Regional Obala.