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Discover the unknown

Prof. dr. Andreja Kutnar, InnoRenew CoE director, Main area of research: wood science

  • Where were you living in childhood and where do you live now?

In Škofljica, where I still live today.

  • What have you studied and what were the motives for your decision?

Wood science at the Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. It was a complete guessing game. I knew woodworking from my home wood workshop, and I decided to study this field without knowing what exactly was waiting for me there. But I was soon very enthusiastic about it.

  • How would you describe your work to someone outside your field?

My work is very diverse, from lecturing to leading a research institute.

  • What does your typical working day look like?

There are very few typical days, almost every day is a little different. Perhaps the most typical thing is that it is very different, both in the content and the locations. However, my favourite days are definitely the ones that start with a walk through the InnoRenew CoE and a chat with employees.

  • What makes you excited about your work?

Creating an environment where we can discover the unknown.

  • And what is the biggest challenge at your work?

Ensure that there is no more than one meeting at the same time and on the same day.

  • Which scientist or scientific achievement are you fascinated by and why?

There are many, but I would like to point out Dr. Bojan Bučar, scientist and professor who first taught me how to be a scientist, and with whom I researched the viscoelastic properties of wood.

  • Tell us about the work of art (books, music, movies, theatre, dance, visual arts) that has a special place in your life.

A video I saw three years ago that captivated me with its story and, above all, with the example it provides of how a product can become a global success if it is designed with the premise that it must be tailored to everyone. I recommend that all researchers and developers watch this film. I believe they’ll be impressed.

  • What have you read, listened to, or watched lately?

Hachiko is the last film I watched. It’s not the first time, but I’m always impressed by it.

  • Which place on the Slovene coast do you like the most?

Mesečev zaliv.

  • What makes you enthusiastic?


  • Characterize your life’s guidance or an important realization (or epiphany) you have experienced.

You never get a wish without the power to make it happen.

  • What does the charm of wood mean to you?

Its diversity and “disobedience” … even though we, wood scientists, know it very well, it surprises us every time.